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Happy reading :]

No proof read-

"GRANNY" jimin shouted as he hugged the old lady as soon as she entered the packhouse making her laugh.

"Hello jimin" lady sanghee said patting his back as they pulled out of the hug.

"Welcome lady hee" jungkook said taking her hand and keeping it on his forehead.

She patted his head in a fond manner asking " how are you , young boy" as he replied with a sweet 'fine'.

"Good evening granny" taehyung said shyly and the old lady cooed at the adorable boy.

"Hello there pretty boy." She pinched his cheeks making them red. Not from the pinch but from blush.

"Okay okay kids , lady hee must be tired now. Let her rest , you all can talk to her after dinner." The queen said as he shooed all the youngsters including yuqi , the princess and took her to the room.

Taehyung held yeonjun in his arms as they walked out towards the garden. They wanted to chase the girl away but she was their guest , they can't do that.

Soon they all reached the garden and sat in a circle on the grass. Yeonun was quick to sit on taehyung's lap as he started playing with the grass.

"Taetae can you grow flowers here??" Yeonjun asked looking at taehyung with sparkling eyes. (I'll be writing what he's saying normally , i have exams and writing baby language and then correct sentance would take time so😅)

"Taetae??" Jimin asked looking at jun.

"Yesh , he's taetae" the baby said with a wide smile.

"I can't baby , there have to be a seed here for me to grow a flower" he said sweetly and the boy made an O face.

"Who is dat??" Yeonjun asked pointing at yuqi.

"She's princess yuqi , say hi to her" taehyung said and yeonjun mumbled a 'hello' while waving his hands and she waved back at him.

"Oh right. Taehyungie , do you wanna go to the animal shelter tomorrow?" Jimin asked excited and taehyung laughed at it.

"Okay chim"

"I'll also join" jungkook said and jimin looked at him with a bored expression.

"As usual , trying to third wheel between us" jimin said and jungkook looked at him in disbelief.

"Escuse me?"

"You are excused , and you have to attend a meeting with papa tomorrow , anyways" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay fine , but you guys are taking jin hyung with you"

"He must be busy. Why do you disturb him always because of us" taehyung asked him frowning. They were sitting side by side.

"Because you guys get in trouble everywhere you go. And im not talking about any one of you. You both are a pair of trouble makers" jungkook said making tha omega gasp.

"No we're not"

"Yes you are" taehyung hit his knees frowning at him.

"What are the romeo and juliet fighting about??" Jin , hoseok and namjoon came as they joined the circle. The princess' eyes widen at his statement.

"Jin hyung he called me a trouble maker" taehyung hugged jin. Who came and sat beside him after asking jimin to shift over.

Jin glared at jungkook playfully as he patted taehyung's back. "Why are you troubling my pretty baby"

"Your??" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.

Jin rolled his eyes as the jelous boy , taehyung was still snuggling in him. Yeonjun was on jimin's lap now.

"Why are you guys like this" namjoon said shaking his head.

"Stop hugging him now" jungkook said as he pulled taehyung to make him sit straight.

"Koo jelous" yeonjun giggled making others laugh too.

"Shut up kid or im going to leave you in the forest"

Yeonjun gasped and looked at jungkook with puppy eyes.



"Shut up you both" namjoon said shaking his head.

"Why are you guys fighting like cats and dogs" jimin said shaking his head.

" jungkook hyung is being annoying as always , nothing else" taehyung said rolling his eyes. He knows jungkook likes it when he calls him hyung.

"Meet me in my room at night , i'll show you how annoying i am" jungkool whispered making taehyung red.

"Ew. Cringe" hoseok said with a straight face.

"Shut up , you don't even know what i said."

"His red face tells us enough , i don't need to know details" hoseok said with a tight smile.

"Okay okay , enough. What are we doing tomorrow?" Jimin asked.

"Oh right. Jin hyung , tae and chim want to go visit the animal center tomorrow so can you go with them?" Jungkook said and jin smiled.

"Ofcourse , my schedule is not very tight tomorrow" jin smiled.

"Okay now , lets get inside. Its getting chilly out" namjoon said as they all stood up. Jungkook took yeonjun from jimin as they all walked inside.


Taehyung entered jungkook's room with his hands folded on his chest as he looked at jungkook who was lying on his bed in his grey trousers.

"You should knock before entering , you know that right princess??" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he climbed on the bed and sat on jungkook's abs.

Taehyung was more than comfortable with jungkook now. And jungkook was very happy with it.

"You embarrassed me infront of everyone" he said with a frown and jungkook chuckled.

"And what about you?? Weren't you being a bratty mouth there?" He asked carassing his thighs with one hand and other one behind his head.

"Thats the other thing"

"And how is that??"

"Because.........because i don't know its just different" taehyung said and puffed his cheeks.

Jungkook raised his legs making taehyung yelp as he fell forward.

"You're so cute" jungkook said pinching taehyungs's waist.

Taehyung jumped at the sting making jungkook groan. "Don't do that princess , little jeon will wake up frkm his sleep"

Taehyung looked at him confused , but his eyes widen when he understood the meaning.

"W-wha- i didn't even do anything , you pinched me" taehyung said slapping jungkook on his chest before snuggling in his neck.

"Shy now , are we??" Jungkook said hugging the boy. After a little while taehyung asked in a small voice.

"Is your jeon down there , really little??"


I know its short but i'll give double updates after my semesters.

Also , thank you for 19k views. And don't be a silent reader , you can tell me in the coments if you want to include some scenes.


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