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"Taehyungie?" Jimin entered taehyung's chamber and saw him sitting silently , poor baby.

"Taetae" jimin sat infront of taehyung shaking him a little. "Yes" the boy said startled "are you okay?" Jimin asked.

"Ofcourse i am , why won't i be?" He smiled a little and jimin sighed holding his hand "don't act taehyung , i know you well enough"

"I really fine jimin , its not like i have anyrights on his life or we were dating that he cheated on me. Moreover , i bet everyone is happy. So am i." Taehyung chuckled bitterly. Its not like he had anyright on jungkook or on anything to stop this marriage because at the end he's just an omega and no one to jungkook , and if everyone is happy with it who is he to say anything

"No one is happy with this decision taehyung , not even hyung." Jimin tried to make him understand. He thinks he's going to get crazy because of these two

"Why are you telling me all this , its all his choice what will i do after knowing"

"I swear im going to throw you both down the roof and i won't regret a single thing" jimin said and taehyung looked at him shocked "what did i do??"

"Nothing , you just sit here like a sad turtle and watch the show.  God i have to do EVERYTHING you better make me your best man at your marriage" taehyung didn't understand a single thing jimin said and went away , the boy was too confused to speak.


It was midnight already and jungkook was sitting in his father's office and looking at all the papers but who are we kidding , not a single thing was entering his mind due to all the events of morning running on loop.

He was really debating if he should say yes to this marriage for his parents happiness or no for his happiness. He really didn't care about his own will but ever since jimin mentioned taehyung his mind have been running to places, tho he is not sure if taehyung really likes his or he was just playing around.

He was lost in his own world when he heard knocking on the door "son". Jungkook looked up and found his father standing there with a small smile on his lips. "Dad" jungkook stood up and went towards him "why are you still up , do you need anything" he asked softly worried.

Shinhyun smiled and held his hand and took him to the couch and sat down pulling jungkook beside him "i am totally fine and i came here to talk with my son" he smiled and jungkook returned it.

"Whats wrong , and don't say nothing im watching you since morning you are upset" shinhyun asked and jungkook bit his lips shaking his head "nothing" he said.

"Jungkook im your father and i want you to know you can tell me anything" jungkook hesitated a bit and the elder man sitting beside him smiled "its about the proposa isn't it??"

Jungkook looked at him for a minute and then again looked down at his hand "son i know my decision matters the most to you and you will sacrifice your happiness for me but for me your happinest means the most. If you will say yes to this proposal just because of me and your mother we will be very dissapointed. Not in you but in us , that we couldn't make you comfortable enough to speak your heart". Jungkook stayed silent and shinhyun smiled

"Now tell me , do you wan't this marriage to happen?". He smiled when jungkook shook his head a little and patted his back saying "im proud of you"

Jungkook was still hesitant about his choice and shinhyun noticed it. He lightly patted jungkook's head and smiled when the younger looked up

"See jungkook , we know your marriage is important but its not like you are ober aged or the time is getting out of hand. So its really not necessary to agree to this proposal , you ca take your time and choose someone for yourself and you have our full support. Just remember that for me and your mother , your happiness comes first and above everything. So if you don't like anything , you will directly say it to us because we prefer your denial than seeing you unhappy because of any of our decision"

Jungkook hugged his father tightly hiding his face in his chest , yes he is grown up and will be the future king of the pack but the man sitting infront of him was his father for whom he was a child before anything else. Shinhyun smiled and patted his back "i kind of have a clue who is the one you want to bring in your life but i'll leave it to you" the alpha's were talking when they heard a knock again

"Wow , i can't believe you guys are having sweet moments without me. I guess my improtance in your life is decreasing as im getting old" there stood hinjae shaking her head dramatically.

"Oh no my beautiful queen , we don't even have a life without you" the elder male stood up going to his wife and side hugged her. Jungkook followed his father and stood infront of his the couple.

"This is a work office , romance is not allowed here" he said acting strict and hinjae pinched his biseps "we are your parents , we can do anything" she said keeping both of her hands on her waist.

Jungkook gasped dramatically and said "oh no , mom please i know you and dad love eachother but i don't want another sibling. Don't get me wrong , i will be very happy if i get a baby sister but don't you think the age gap will be a little too muc- aah okay okay sorry" he stopped ranting when the shy woman started hitting him

"You brat , have some shame we are your parents" she said before hiding her face in her husband's chest. Jungkook laughed loudly before pulling her in his arms "aww mom , don't become a tomato now"

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