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Guys i know this episode was supposed to be 🔥. But im actually really sad right now and i wanted some fluff and happiness. , so here it is.  also i was in the college when i wrote this chapter soo. Enjoy 😘

"Gukkie , do you think  i should wear this?? Isn't it too...... i don't know , fluffy??" Taehyung showed jungkook his dress and asked him who was sitting on his bed admiring the omega.

"Wear anything , you'll look perfect anyways" taehyung face palmed when he saw jungkook wasn't even looking at the dress. He was just staring at him.

"Jungkook" taehyung whined before throwing his dress on the side of bed and climbed on jungkook's lap.

"Baby , we're just going to meet my friends. Why are you stressing so much" jungkook asked pecking his forehead.

"Still" the omega hugged him , resting his head on the alpha's chest.

"You are my pretty baby love. You look good in everything" jungkook said ruffling taehyung's hairs.

"I just did my hair , why would you do that" taehyung looked at jungkook with angry pout on his lips.

"Because i wanted to"

"You can't just do as you please"

"Thats not what you said when you were sucking me off-" jungkook recieved a pillow on his face before he was thrown out of younger's room.

"Bring jimin here" taehyung said before closing the door on jungkook's face , leaving him sulking.


"Long time no see buddy" mingyu said hugging jungkook.

"Missed you guys" jungkook said before pulling out of hug. "This is my boyfriend ,  taehyung" jungkook smiled looking at the shy male beside him.

"Hello , nice to meet you" jaehyun , who was standing beside mingyu smiled at taehyung.

"Oh my god you're so pretty" mingyu said shaking the omega's hands.

"Like is said 'my boyfriend' " jungkook said pulling taehyung's hands back.

"Posessive asshole"

"Did you all just ignore my existance." Jimin looked at them with a blank face , hoseok giving the same expression as him.

"Jiminie" jaehyun said and hugged him carefully not to touch his baby bump.

"So now you know me" the pregnant omega rolled his eyes and entered the house with hoseok trailing behind also throwing tantrums.

"Mood swings" taehyung smiled awkwardly.

"What about hobi??" Mingyu asked

"He's just salty" jungkook replied as they went to the living room.

"Jin hyung and nam hyung didn't come??" Jaehyun asked.

"They  are gone to pack borders for some work" taehyung replied sweetly.

"What about yo-"

"ahaha mingyu , lets go we have to talk about a lot of things" jungkook said , signalling towards jimin , who was busy devouring blueberries , through his eyes.
Knowing the male will start crying hearing his mate's name.

As both the alpha's go out , strangely taehyung didn't feel uncomfortable around jaehyun. Maybe because he knew nothing can happen to him as long as jungkook is there.

"They are friends since jungkook was 12. Mingyu was the first person , beside his family , who knew about jungkook's past.

Jaehyung told taehyung , whose eyes soften as he looked at the bestfriends tackling eachother on the ground.

His jungkook deserves all the happiness.

"KIM MINGYU I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE GUTS-" a girl , beta , taehyung supposed came down fuming and shouting.

"Thats my mate and mingyu's sister , bella" taehyung smiled at her bowing slightly.

"And bella , this is taehyung. Jungkook's boyfriend" bella's smile got wider when she heard that.

"That rude ass finally got a boyfriend" she said excitedly and hugged taehyung startling him.

"Im very glad to meet you" she said pulling out of the hug.

"Hey bell , wassup?" Jimin said as he pulled her to sit beside him and the conversation flew between them.

"Hey baby" jungkook said coming back to the living room and sitting beside him.

"Did you fucker just ignore me??" Bella said as she threw a cookie at jungkook.

"The fuck?? Do you know how expensive this cloth is??" Jungkook said , pretending to be angry.

"Please , as if you don't have tons of these filling your closet" she rolled her eyes.

"Why were you mad at mingyu by the way" jimin said innocently and the alpha looked at him betrayed.

"Thanks for reminder jiminie"  she smiled sweetly at the omega before turning to her brother.

"Were you not the one to use up all of my expensive under eye cream??"

"Was i??" You could see the anger in the women's eyes.

"I am happy right now because taehyungie is here , i'll deal with you when im on my periods" and mingyu felt his soul leaving his body.

"Taehyungie?? A nickname?" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.

"Of course , he's my sweet taehyungie"

"MY sweet taehyungie" jungkook said and pecked his lips. The omega looked at him , eyes wide.

"Kookie behave , we are infront of everyone" taehyung said and hit his thigh making jungkook pout.

"Lets go back then , i want kisses"

"Sit down quietly alpha" taehyung said with a straight smile leaving the alpha sulking.

" FINALLY , someone who can control his bitchy attitude" bella said and high-fied with hoseok.

"Its not the first time , you know when......" and thats how their evening went with hobi and jimin telling the stories about jungkook being super wipped to their friends.


Im really sorry for late updates , i'll try my best to update soon.

Thank you :)

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