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I discontinued this story for a while why?? Well because i didn't have motivation to write further. I was about to delete it but i read somewhere that never delete your story so 😅

Anyways , hope you enjoy

Taehyung was roaming in the garden watering the plants because he was getting bored sitting in the room all day so he decided to do some work

He crouched infront of a rose admiring it , it looks so beautiful but taehyung knows better "beauty hurts" he whispered to himself softly touching the throns of the beautiful flower

"Taehyungie" he heard jimin's voice and instantly stood straight and looked in the direction from where jimin was coming hopping , he really admired the male and his happy soul and he believed jimin deserved the happiness he had or maybe more then that

"Yes" he said in a soft voice and jimin held his hand and started dragging him inside "the lunch is ready lets go" he said and taehyung just followed him
It was the first time he is going to eat at the dinner tabel , he always had his meals in his room

"Don't be nervous everything will go alright" jimin assured him with his infamous eye smile making taehyung relax a little

They entered the dinning room and saw two completely new faces , and then he looked at 2 empty chairs between jungkook and another broad shoulder man

They went ahead and jimin sat beside jungkook and pulled taehyung on the seat beside his

"Oh my god , who is this beauty" taehyung got startled when he heard the man beside him spoke.... he got scared and held jimin's hand and scooted a little towards him

Everyone saw his reaction and the queen smiled , she was proud that taehyung was feeling safe with jimin because jimin never really had friends.

"Don't be scared taetae , he is jin hyung he is a comander just like hobi hyung and thats his mate namjoon hyung" jimin explained carrasing his hands in a comforting manner

"H-hello" taehyung said and sat straight

"Hii beautiful boy , how are you doing ??" Jin said and taehyung mumbled a 'fine' with his cheeks tinted light shade of pink making jin squeal

" you're so cute , marry me" jin said and jungkook choked , coughing violently and jimin have him a wiered look

"The fuck is wrong with you hyung" he said and gave water to jungkook who gulped it whole down " hyung , you have a mate how can you say things like this" jungkook said and everyone looked at him like he has grown two heads

"We all know he said it as a joke , why are you getting so worked up" hoseok said and jungkook cleared his throat "nothing" jimin shook his head before turning to his patrents and signalled them something with his eyes making them nod

" so taehyung , i heard you don't wanna stay here but i must know why?"
Shinhyun said and taehyung stopped eating and fiddled with his fingers

"I-its just im not doing anything just roaming freely , i-i feel bad" he mumbled making them smile

"But you don't have to do anything" the queen said softly and taehyung looked down making jungkook sigh

"Okay , what can you do" he asked and taehyung looked at him with a small smile "a-anything , even cleaning is fine by me-"

"He can be my royal maid" jimin said and jungkook looked at him shocked because as far as he remembered , jimin despised having someone around him all the time just like him

Royal maid is like a lady-in-waiting , he chooses the outfits for the royals , takes care of their meals and everything. in modern language they are like managers for the royals

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked him softly , he knew jimin won't mind having taehyung with him all the time because just in short span of time the two had gotten closer

"Yes hyung , i am. moreover i want taetae to be with me all the time" he said and jungkook smiled softly at him "alright then , you get what you want" he smiled and jimin squealed hugging him while the others only smiled softly at the duo

Jimin knew once his brother agrees he doesn't have to worry about his parents agreeing because they trust jungkook. Jungkook , due to loosing his parents at a very young age ,he matured earlier then other children so he used  to go to the meetings and working of the pack with shinhyun

"Okay then , you are his royal maid from now on you have to-" hinjae got cut off by a very excited jimin

"I will tell him what he has to do" the queen smiled and everyone continued eating

Taehyung was currently heading towards his chamber after helping jimin in his room , jimin told him how he have to manage and plan his days

Taehyung saw the stairs that led to the roof top of the castle and decided to take some fresh air , he was really scared passing by the guards but he really wanted to enjoy the breez so he went

Taehyung closed his eyes ad the huff of cold wind hit his face as soon as he stepped out the door which led to the terrace , he smiled and walked towards the rails and looked at the calm pack , few street laps dimly lit the streets as barely few people passed by

He flinched when he felt a presece beside him , he turend his head and saw jungkook standing beside him looking forward "prince jungkook" he whispered and bowed a little making jungkook turn towards him

"What are you doing here at this time" jungkook said looking at the soft features of the boy which were glowing under the light of moon

"I was coming back from chim's room and thaught to have some fresh air" he spoke in a low voice

"Why you speak so slowly , are you afraid of me?" He questioned making taehyung look at him with innocent eyes " N-no it will be disrespectful to you if i spoke loudly"

"Don't you think it will be more disrespectful if i won't be able to hear what you are saying" he said and taehyung looked at him panicked "s-sorry i didn't m-mean to-"

"Don't be , nothing is wrong" he said and taehyung looked at him fiddling nervously . He closed his eyes waiting for a hit when he saw jungkook raising his hand but he felt nothing but a soft touch carrasing his hairs making him open his eyes

"So pretty , don't feel afraid no on will harm you here" he said and taehyung only looked at him with his puppy eyes and flushed cheeks

"Go to sleep taehyung , you need rest" jungkook said and taehyung bowed at him and as soon as he took a step forward he stumbled

Jungkook held taehyung , on arm aound his waist and  other holding his forearm

"Careful there little boy , we don't wanna get hurt now do we?" Jungkook spoke softly while taehyung took some time to process whatever happened

He snapped out with his eyes wide and turned to jungkook and bowed to him running away after mumbling a small 'thank you' and 'good night'

Meanwhile jungkook just stood there with a very little soft smile on his lips looking at the small boy running away

Finally a proper interaction of taekook , i thaught i was focusing more on the story line and very less on taekook soo.....

Anyways , enjoy ☺

I have a feeling that my phone is going to break so if i cant log into my account ill post this story on another account

The name will be cookies_and_creams7

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