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Peek a koo 🥺------------------------------------------------------------

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Peek a koo 🥺

Jungkook entered his father's study and saw shinhyun and hinjae were sitting behind the desk emerged in some talks

"Yes dad?" Jungkook said , listening the voice of his son he looked up and saw jungkook standing at the door

"Close the door and come sit kook" jungkook made his way towards the chair which was placed opposite from his parents after closing the door

"Whats wrong dad" jungkook asked sitting down

"Jungkook we are thinking of keeping taehyung with us for sometime , he is still in danger....im very disheartend by how he was treated and i don't want him to feel unsafe here"

"Im okay with it dad , i know whatever decision you will make will be the best for everyone but i want your permission on something" jungkook said

"Go ahead son"

"I was thinking of interrogating taehyung a bit , even tho he looks innocent and i really hope there isn't something wrong but i have to check his background and everything just in case to make sure he's of no harm" jungkook said , the younger believed that someone as fragile as taehyung can never be of any harm--- but the past actions has made him really insecure after all the one who killed his parents was none other than-

"I think you are right kook , you have my permission to do whatever you want...you can even ask for hoseok to help you" the queen said and jungkook smiled

"I'll take my leave then" jungkook said

"Sure son , we are so proud of you" hinjae said and jungkook felt so warm inside , he never once in his life felt that he wasn't the biological son of the couple--they always treated him equal as jimin especially hinjae , you could say he was more of  a mama's boy.

"Thanks mom" jungkook showed his bunny smile before leaving

As soon as jungkook came out  he called a guard and ordered " inform general hoseok that his presence is needed in the liabrary " the guard bowed and went away

Jungkook turned his heels to the guest room where the omega and his brother were

He opened the door and saw jimin and taehyung giggling about something and yumi sitting there smiling at the duo

He won't lie but he feels the most terrible person to even doubt on that innocent soul but he just can't help it


Taehyung's pov:-

I was sitting on the big fluffy bed with prince jimin , it was so fluffy that i could even sleep but i don't want to be rude to the person who did so much to me.....i can never be thankful enough to this family for keeping me here

We were talking when i heard a voice 'Chim' , i turned around and saw prince jungkook standing there and oh my , i would be lying if i say he is not the most handsom man i've ever seen

He looked at me and god that black galaxy eyes- stop taehyung , stop being so pathetic he helped you.

"oh hey hyung , come inside"  i was braught out of my thaughts when prince jimin spoke

"Chim i know you found a new friend but let him rest for a while yeah?? You can talk later all you want stop being a chatter box " prince spoke and i giggled

They both looked at me and i stopped why do i always mess up ?? Stupid mouth.

"I-im sorr-"

"No its okay , laugh more it suites you" prince jimin said and i couldn't control my blush it just comes out

Third persons pov:-

"Hyung don't you think you are being a little too rude with me" jimin said and sent a scary galre- well tried to send a scary galre to jungkook

"Im not being rude chim , but let him rest , Don't you want him to be recovered fast so you can take him outside and show him around??" jungkook said

"Oh yeah right. Taehyungie , go to sleep i will talk to you later" jimin showed him his famous eye smile

"Okay prince jimin-"

"Just jimin" the short male spoke

"N-no i cant call you like that you are a prince" taehyung said

"Then the prince is ordering you to call him jimin" the boy spoke

Taehyung gasped in shock and pouted "Thats n-not fair"

"Everything is fair in love , friendship and war taetae" taehyung looked at him with his puppy eyes but one thing he got to know is jimin is the most stubborn person so he agreed

"Fine J-Jimin" he smiled and jimin squealed

"You're so cuteee , just recover fast i want to squish you" he said and taehyung looked down shyly

"Okay then lets go chim , take care and rest well taehyung" jungkook said and taehyung bowed at him before the brothers went away closing the door

"You want to lay down?" Yumi asked and taehyung nodded with a smile . Yumi helped him and covered him with duvet once he was comfortable

"Thankyou noona"

"No problem" yumi smiled and went back to the place she was sitting at

Jungkook and jimin came out of the chamber and as soon as the door closed jimin jumped on his back

"Lets go peasent" he giggled patting jungkook's head

"You little shit I swear you are lucky i love you ,otherwise you would have been dead till now"

"Hyung don't curse or i'll tell papa"

"Huh , papa's boy"

"Huh , mama's boy" jimin giggled as jungkook smiled and started walking towards the library where he was going to meet hoseok

"They really love eachother so much" hinjae who was walking by with her husband said smiling as she saw the interaction between the boys

"And i love you so much" shinhyun winked flirtily making hinjae blush

"Aish old man! Stop flirting you are at the age of becoming a grandpa"

"Excuse you my queen im still young handsom and hot" shinhyun said proudly

"Exactly" they both flinched as the looked behind and saw jin standing there with mischevious eyes

"My god general seokjin , you scared us" hinjae said and jin bowed

"Sorry her majesty , but the king and queen of onix pack are here with the princess and old lady sang hee" jin said

"We are coming" shinhyun said and the boy walked away after bowing

"I swear hyunie i tolerate them just because of lady sang hee" the queen said as they walked towards the throne room

Please do share your opinion on how the story is going , it will help me a lot 🤧

I hope you enjoy reading. 💞

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