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Jungkook entered the library and saw hoseok already there , jimin was still clinging on his back swinging his legs and talking about whatever

"Okay jimin now quiet i have to talk something important with hoseok" jungkook said settling jimin down on the couch and sat beside him , hoseok was sitting infront of them

"Okey" he said and sat silently because he always obey what his hyung says. Not always but yeah

"What wrong kook" hoseok asked

"So you know about that omega , the one dad was talking about" jungkook started "what about him?" Hoseok asked "well-"

Jungkook told hoseok everything , including taehyung's past and the things he told him "poor boy , what do you want me to do then" hoseok asked a little upset after hearing about the omega

" i want you to do a little check on him , about his past and ack everything " jungkook said " and we have decided to keep him here with us because obviously he will feel unsafe outside" he continued

" True , fine then i will try to get as much information as i can" hoseok assured him , they got interupted by a knock on door and a guard came in

" what happened , i thaught i made it clear that i don't want any interruptions" jungkook said and the guard got on his knees

"My apologies prince , but the king has called you and prince jimin in the living room.... king and queen of onix  along with princess and old lady sang-hee are here"

"Tell them we'll be there shortly" the guards bowed and went out

"Lets go , i'll give you the information in two days" hoseok said

"Lets go jimin" they turned around and saw jimin with eyes closed " i know you are not sleeping chim" jungkook said and hoseok chuckled when jimin got up whining

"Hyungggg i don't wanna meet them" he stomped his foot on the floor " just to greet them minie i promise it'll not take long" jungkook said and held his hands dragging him out with hoseok following behind

"Here they are" the queen said as soon as she saw jimin and jungkook entering the living room , jimin was trying very hard not to turn his foot-steps and run away from there. I mean he could but jungkook knew him too well so he had a grip on jimin's wrist

"Greetings" jungkook said and bowed infront of the king and queen and just nodded at the princess , jimin just bowed

"Welcome lady sang-hee" jungkook said and look the lady's hand and placed the back of her hands on his forehead.

"You've grown up so good my dear" the old lady said tapping his cheeks and jungkook smiled , naturally . Not the fake one he gave to other three

"Hey beautiful lady" jimin said flirtily  sitting beside her .

" don't flirt with me you brat" she she said and flicked the back of his head , softly. "My husband is watching everything from up there" she continued and jimin laughed

Jungkook went and sat beside his mother who smiled at him and held his hand " i see he still behaves like a kid" yuqi , the princess said looking at jimin

"Yes and we love  him enough to not mind it one bit" hinjae said with a tight smile on her lips making the princess awkward

" uh-yeah but how will he lead a whole kingdom if he behaves like this" the queen said giving him a look and jimin looked down upset

"You don't have to worry about that queen , he have many people to guide him through it" jungkook said with a blank face , he didn't like one bit how they were talking about his brother and no one can make him upset

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