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                  Happy reading ;)

"YES YES GO TAEHYUNG" jimin cheered watching taehyung practicing with the sword. He looked so cool with his royal blue sleeveless top and white trousers which had dirt from the ground.

"You never cheered for me like that" yoongi said nudging him and jungkook rolled his eyes at them. "Yoongi hyung stop acting like an insecure girlfriend challange failed" hoseok shook his head at their talks and focused on the fighting duo.

"Taehyung is quite skilled for a begginer" he said and jungkook nodded his head at the statement "although he isn't attacking , he is dodging the attacks by hyung" jungkook said impressed.

"Oh fuck" taehyung mumbled as his back hit the ground. He saw jin forwarding his hand to help him up as he held it for support and got up dusting his pants.

"You did so well taehyung" jin said patting his hair as the omega smiled at him.

"Your instincts are fast taehyung , you dodged my attacks very well" jin said as they started walking towards where the others were.

"You were so cool taetae" jimin throwed himself on taehyung as soon as he went near them. "Mimi im all dirty , your clothes will get dirty too" taehyung said trying to pull out from the hug.

"I don't care  , right now im very impressed by you. If i were an alpha i would have really asked you to marry me" jimin said and soon felt two pair of eyes burning holes in him one being of his mate's and other being his brother's.

"Why are you always flirting with him, don't you have your cat for that?" Jungkook asked in a pissed voice and taehyung blushed at that.

"You want me to remind you how i caught you two??..........thats what i thaught" jin said when jungkook went quite.

"My god" taehyung blushed and took his jacket walking towards the pack house.

"Jin hyung you suck"

"joon's peepee?? Yeah i do-"




"Tae" jungkook said holding taehyung's hands stopping him from walking further. "Are you......mad about it??".

"No jungkook its just i-i m embarrassed" taehyung said , his cheeks turning crimson.

"Don't mind them they're a little crazy" jungkook said carassing his cheeks softly. "Do you want to go on a run with me late at night??" He asked.

"Ofcourse , if its not sneaking out like last time." Jungkook chuckled.

"Im not jimin. I don't do these mischief" he said softly. The two looked at eachother with a soft smile on their face. Jungkook was about to lean in for a kiss when they heard someone coughing behind them.

Taehyung pushed jungkook away and saw an elderly lady , the servent who've been working for ages at the pack house , behind them.

"Her majest has called everyone in the library" she bowed and stiffed a laugh looking at the embarrassed face of the couple.

"Uhm , im coming after taking a shower" taehyung said awkwardly and she left.

"Why is it happening to me , first jin hyung now her" the omega stomped his foot as he went inside his room leaving a whipped jungkook there.

"You're still here??" Taehyung asked as he saw jungkook still standing infront of his door. "Was waiting for you" the alpha replied.

Taehyung shook his head as they both made their way down to the library.

Special Omega (taekook) Where stories live. Discover now