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*gasp* "y-you're not jimin's real brother" taehyung said with his eyes wide open. Jungkook just revealed his past to taehyung , he didn't feel any odd telling it to taehyung because one , there was no one in the pack who doesn't know it so taehyung would have eventually found out later and secondly, maybe after hearing his story taehyung would try coming out of that trauma he is facing from childhood . Jungkook smiled before tapping his chin

"Close your mouth pretty boy , bugs will go in" taehyung blushed before closing his mouth

"No he is not , but my point is i wouldn't have been able to live this beautiful present if i would have stayed in the past" jungkook said and taehyung looked at him before hanging his head low

"Its not that easy prince jun-"

"First of- stop calling me prince , just jungkook would do too" taehyung's eyes once again got wide like a soccer ball "wh-what no it would be disrespectful"

"And its not disrespectful to refuse my order on my face" jungkook raised his eyebrows and taehyung looked like his soul would leave his body right away

"I-i didn't mean to-" his voice stumbles as if he will cry any second

"Hey hey don't be scared all i am saying is , its okay you can call me jungkook"

"Okay pr-jungkook" and oh how lovely it sounded coming out from taehyung's mouth , he didn't knew his name sounded this beautiful until now

"Good i-"

"HYUNG , TAETAE" before they could say anything jimin's body crashed with them making them fall backward on the grass with the fluff ball on top of them

"Damn chim-- broke my bones" jungkook said as he made jimin sit on the grass before getting up and helping taehyung

"Hah , weakling-- anyways i have some GOOD NEWS to shareeee" jimin said as he squealed loudly

"What is it chim?" Taehyung asked tilting his head sideways with his adorable puppy eyes and if jungkook just wanted to bubble wrap him and keep the younger in his pocket. No one has to know.

"What is all this noise about?" They heard as they turned around to see the three comanders coming towards them

Jimin squealed again holding their hands and making them sit on the ground "i wan't to tell you all something"

"First of all jimin stop squealing like a highschool girl" jungkook said and jimin plucked out some grass from where he was sitting and threw it on jungkook's face

"Don't interupt" he said and others laughed watching jungkook removing the grass from his hair with an annoyed face , but it didn't last long when he heard an absolutely adorable giggle

"Well guess who is coming?" He was interupted from his dreamland when jimin again spoke , he knew what it is can't just jimin say it already so he can dream about his omega- wait dream about??? His omega?? Get yourself in a grip jeon.

"Witches?" everyone turned towards hoseok like he has grown two heads "what?? I was just stating possibilities" he shrugged and jimin looked at him annoyed "and why would I be happy about witches?"

"How would i know that , isn't this something you should know"

"So ignoring hobi hyung's bullshit as i was saying tomorrow................YOONGI HYUNG IS COMING" jimin squealed like a teenage girl with his wide grin showing almost all of his teeths , taehyung giggled clapping slightly. He was truly happy for the boy

"We know it" and thats how all of jimin's excitement died with a scowl present on his face "from how many days?"

"Almost two weeks , hyung sent a letter" jungkook shrugged and jimin gasped dramatically

"And not one of you told me?? Did you know it too taetae" taehyung instantly shook his head signalling he had no idea about this

"Anyways , im leaving you all 'cuz im happy. Now to the main point" he said as all of them turned their attention to him

"Since hyung is coming , i will be busy most of the time" jimin blushed  as they all teased him "so hyung , taehyung will be your responsibility till my minkitty will be here" jimin said signalling jungkook

"Wha- chim i-i can handle myself"

"I know you can taetae but still you need someone with you , and im sure you won't want to be with me and yoonie" jimin said with a wink and taehyung blushed when he understood

"So while i will be busy with my fiancè  , you will be hyung's royal maid which means you will be in charge of his meals , his sleep , you will wake him up and many more things" jimin said and taehyung looked at jungkook only to find him already staring at him

"Are you okay with it taehyung?" Jungkook asked and taehyung nodded looking down , he doesn't even know why he was blushing so much he was just going to be jungkook's royal maid not like they are getting married- 'shut up taehyung'

"Okieee now taehyungie , lets go and pick an outfit for tomorrow i wan't to knock him out from my beauty" jimin said sassily before dragging the boy with him

"i wan't extra security tomorow , get the guards ready and from tomorrow morning i want the most highly skilled guards surrounding the pack border until the  borders open again for hyung to go back , understood?" It was not jungkook speaking to his hyungs , it was prince jeon jungkook speaking to his commanders

"Don't worry your majesty , we will take care of everything" jin said with a determined face making jungkook relieved.

He stood up and went inside and hoseok collapsed on the ground "ughh im so worried for tomorrow"

"Don't worry hoba , we will make sure everything goes alright" jin said patting his shoulder

"How is nari?" Hoseok smiled listening his mates name "georgeous as always"

"Straight people are wipped" seokjin said making him laugh "you don't want me to remind you how many times i have caught you two in action now do you??"

"S-shut up" seokjin said before walking away "come on hoba we have a lot to prepare" namjoon said dragging him away

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