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Happy reading :)


"But hyung-"

"No means no jimin , don't argue" jungkook said looking stern at his brother.

"But why??" Jimin asked , he was as stubborn as his brother.

"Because i said so. Now go back to your room"

All this argument is about going in the forest for a run. Jimin wants to move around , its his 2nd month and he was starting to get whiny. Jungkook knew going in the woods won't be a good idea , mostly because jimin's and baby's scent mixed is very strong and chances of getting attacked roughes would be more.

This has been going on since half-an hour , jimin started whining about it at the breakfast table.

Now , jungkook trusts his warriors and hyungs. But he believes precaution is better than cure. He doesn't want anything to go down.

"But hyungs will be with me"

"Jimin. No. And i don't want to argue about anything right now , go to your room and rest" jungkook said with a strict tone making jimin's eyes water.

He stomped his feets and went towards his chamber. Jungkook rubbed his forehead , sitting down on the couch. He doesn't like making jimin sad either , but it was a matter of his safety.

"So childish-" the princess started but shut her mouth when she saw jungkook glaring at her.

Everyone was present there. Shinhyun already gave permission to jimin , as he knows how omegas get during pregnancies but jungkook wasn't having any of it.

Taehyung sighed as he went and sat beside jungkook. He didn't care if everyone was there , he knew he had to handle this situation anyhow.

"Jungkookie" he spoke and jungkook looked at him as his eyes soften.

"He doesn't understand taehyung , im doing all this for his safety." Jungkook said and taehyung held his hands.

"I know , but you have to understand it too. You can't deprive him of his fun because of safety. And moreover , his hormones aren't helping him either. Lets Just agree with him , hmm??. You can come with us , i know you won't let anything happen to him. We don't have to go far , just a little walk around the borders. And it will be good for his health to walk a little too , hmm??" He explained in a soft voice and jungkook sighed , nodding.

"No go and tell him we will go tomorrow" Taehyung said.

"Why me??"

"Because he is upset with you , so go and make him happy" jungkook nodded standing up as he went away.

" i see you can handle him pretty well taehyung" hinjae said making him chuckle awkwardly.

"N-no its just"

Jungkook entered and saw jimin sitting on his bed , sulking. He rolled his eyes playfully at the omega and went to sit beside him.

Jimin looked at him and his eyes again filled with tears as he looked at his brother with angry eyes.

"Stop crying"

"No" jungkook laughed a little at him making jimin more mad as more tears started spilling out of his eyes.

"Okay okay im sorry" jungkook said hugging jimin. "We can go for a walk near the borders tomorrow. Okay??" He said and jimin broke the hug with an excited smile. "Okay" he said cheerly.

"Okay , now rest here hmm? You know im just trying to protect you right?" Jimin nodded at his statement. Lying down on his bed as he asked jungkook.

"Taetae made you understand right?" Jimin said wiggling his eyebrows and jungkook smiled.

"Im telling you , wife him up" jimin said and jungkook smacked him on his forehead , lightly.

"Shut up and rest well" jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up. Going out of his room.

He saw taehyung coming towards jimin's chamber when he went out. "Is he okay now?" Taehyung asked standing infront of jungkook.

"Yeah , he is resting"

"Okay , im going to cuddle him" taehyung said and was about to move but jungkook picked him up , bridal style.

"No need , cuddle your boyfriend instead." Jungkook said as he started walking towards his chamber.

"What are you doing leave me, someone will see us"

" i don't care" jungkook said and taehyung rolled his eyes mumbling
' ofcourse you don't '.

As soon as they entered the chamber jungkook closed the gate and threw taehyung on the bed , crawling on top of him.

"What?" Taehyung asked snaking his arms around the alpha's neck.

"Nothing , you're pretty" jungkook said and taehyung blushed , turning his head to side.

"Aww my baby , you weren't so shy asking about little jeon last night" taehyung's eyes widen at the statement as he slapped his chest.

"D-don't talk about that. I wasn't suppose to say it out loud" taehyung whined hiding his face with his hands.

"So you think about my peepee in your little brain?" Jungkook asked pinning his hands above his head.

"Stop teasing me" taehyung pouted. Jungkook cooed placing smooches all over his face making the omega giggle.

"I love you" jungkook said and taehyung smiled saying "i love you more".

Jungkook placed his lips on his lovers , taking his sweet time feeling his soft lips before moving his own. They kissed softly like cherry blossom , smiling and butterflies all over their stomach.

Jungkook broke the kiss , placing a soft peck afterwards as they smiled at eachother.

Taehyung hugged jungkook from his neck as jungkook snuggled his face in taehyung's scent gland. Smelling the soothing smell.

"I don't know what i would've done if i didn't met you" jungkook mumbled in taehyung's neck making the omega smile.

"You wouldn't even know of my existence if we wouldn't have met earlier. I probably would've married the asshole i was promised to" taehyung said and jungkook felt anger in himself thinking of taehyung with someone else , some one so impure and animalistic.

"Don't say that shit , i will loose control" jungkook said and taehyung smiled massaging his scalp.

They stayed like this , cuddled up in eachother's warmth until taehyung heard little snores coming from jungkook.

He looked down and saw jungkook sleeping with a peaceful face. He cooed at the cute sight before turning to his side making jungkook lay down on the bed.

"Don't leave" jungkook mumbled and taehyung giggled. "Im not leaving koo , im just making us comfortable" he said as he again hugged jungkook and the other once again snuggled back in his neck , entangling their legs together as the lovebirds slept peacefully in eachother's embrace. Unaware of the 2 ladies peeking in the room.

Hinjae and jieun closed the door softly , leaving the couple to sleep as they quietly went to the living room and squealed as soon as they reached.

"I told you" hinjae said hugging the other  excited woman who hugged her back with the same passion.

"Im so happy jae , they both have suffered a lot and now they will be the one healing eachother" jieun said as they both shed a little tears of happiness.

Soo , i aced my business studies exam today and im sooo happy so i thought to share my happiness and decided to update.

Anyways , ill go study economics now and i really despise that subject with all my heart.

Ba-byeee ;)

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