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I don't understand why people are so pissed about jungkook attending the jennie or ck event , that boy is the global embassador  also he is not a baby to bottle feed he will do what he like give him a break 😐

Anygays , back to the story

"what do you mean by he doesn't want to"

"He said he is better as prince , he doesn't want to take the throne" shinhyun said to his wife and jungkook while they were sitting in the liabrary

It was almost a week after jungkook's interaction with taehyung at the rooftop , the boy was invested in the omega from that very moment and he himself was scared because he was new to all this and didn't know what to feel and what not

Right now he was sitting with the king and queen discussing the most complicated shit of his life

Throne of the king.

He has heard his father say that he is going to leave the throne soon because his sons are old enough but it was clear for everyone that jimin will take that place and so for jungkook , and he was very much happy with it

Complications arived when jimin refused to be the future king of Dawn , reason?? He is not mature or responisble enough to take responsibilty of the whole kingdom as he says , his more accurate reason was that he is  bottom which leads to the fact that he will have to go with yoongi after marriage and how can a king leave his own kingdom to be luna of another

"What to do now" hinjae asked

"If we think logically he is true tho , he has to go after marriage and its not much big of a deal........

Jungkook can be the future alpha of the pack" the king completed and it left junkook's jaw on the floor

"W-what dad how can i-"

"Why can't jungkook?? You are as much worthy of this throne" shinhyun completed

"B-but jimin is the righful holder of this , i-i am not" jungkook stuttered , its true that the king and queen didn't treated him any different from jimin but it still doesn't changes the fact that jimin is their own , biological son and the owner of the throne

"Jungkook , did we ever differentiated bitween jimin and you?? Did you felt left out??" Hinjae asked "no-no mom never ever in my whole life but still-"

"You are our son jungkook , you are my son who i raised , who i fed and took care of....you are MY son kookie let people say whatever they want to" hinjae said as she carassed jungkooks cheekbones with tears in her eyes

Jungkook was no different , his tears were already slipping through his eyes.... he never once complained about not having parents because he have them , he have parents.

"Mom" he hugged the lady and she hugged him back patting his head "never say you are any different from jimin or not worthy of anything--- for us you are our son no one else' , we can die for you both" she said and jungkook burried his head in her neck crying hard

"I-i love you guys , so much" the king and queen smiled at their little boy , no matter how much he grows he will always be that little kookie for them

"So , are you ready to be the king??" Shinhyun asked and jungkook looked at him with moist eyes "c-can i first talk to jimin??" He asked biting his lips and the king smiled patting his back and nodded
"Minnie , you wanna take a walk in the garden" taehyung asked as he was getting bored just sitting there and jimin was sitting infront of the dresser wearing his jewels

Taehyung said he would make him wear them as he is his royal maid but all jimin replied was 'i can wear them taetae , im not a baby' which lead to taehyung pouting for a long time , you see jimin isn't very fond of getting treated like a todler--he ofcourse acts like a baby infront of his hyungs and parents but he doesn't likes it when someone else does his work which he is very much capable of doing himself

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