ch. 37 Enraged

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Word count: 1038

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   "It was nice meeting you guys, it's been fun. " Jay quivered, his voice becoming rather squeaky. "I didn't get to marry my cake yet. " Cole sniffeled, warning a glare from Zane. "Master was right, the ninja where coming. " The figure to the left said. "Of course s- they, where. They're always right. " the figure to the right said. "I'm going to stop you guys there before you start to fight again. " the figure in the middle said, sick of their bickering.

... End of recap.

      Lloyd's P.O.V

   I slowly opened my eyes and frantically looked around. I was chained to a chair. The others where still out cold and we were in a dark room. I can't remember what happened, how I got here.

You really are weak
Ngh, shut up.
You got yourself in a very sticky situation there.
Oh my god, shut up morro.

   I need to figure out a way out of here. There's nothing in the room that could help and these chains are super tight. "Shit.. " I cursed under my breath, hearing the door click open. "Oh look.. It's the pathetic Ninja." A voice spoke. It belonged to a tall creature, with a hood andask covering their face. Baggy clothes so you couldn't see the body outline. Who is this person..

   "Hello green Ninja. Where you looking for this? " They asked as they snapped there fingers. Someone came up behind them and threw Kai into the room. His body was limp and weak, like a ragdoll. We had cuts, bruises, and bandages all over him. "I don't think he'll live much longer. " They said nonchalantly. I stared at him in horror.

Well would you look at that. He will die anyways.
This is just another one of your stupid nightmares.. Right?
Afraid not. This is real, he's dying in front of your eyes. And your chained to a chair, you can't do anything but watch. You helpless bitch.

   I can't loose Kai too. Not him, not now. "Fuck, DAMNIT!! " I screamed with rage, hatred, sorrow, all sorts of feelings. "Lloyd.. " Nya whispered, though I didn't care at the moment. My mind was focused on the hatred for this mysterious person. "Damnit, I'LL KILL YOU!! " I screamed without thinking. I woke up Cole with my scream. So now everyone was awake.

   "And how are you going to do that? Your chained to a chair. That stuff is vengestone. " They asked. I didn't care, I squirmed around in the chains, taking one last look at Kai. His state enraged me, to the point where the anger hurt, it was overwhelming and taking over. I ripped the chains apart and lunged at the mysterious person without a warning. I was incredibly fast and they could bearly get into a fighting stance in time.

   "Your really going to pay for what you did, I'll make you suffer. " I screamed at them again. I punched and kicked like my life depended on it. I got a lot of hits in, before they punched me in the face and sent me flying. They kneeled to the floor and coughed up blood from the previous hit in the gut. My vision then went blurry for a second. I stood up slowly trying to regain balance.

   After a few more punches the mysterious person was down, but the henchmen where coming next. "Lemme get you guys untied. " I frantically unchainedy friends in a hurry. They all got up from their chairs and headed to Kai. "Shit, they hurt him good. " Cole mumbled. "There's a 53.86 percent chance he'll make it alive. " Zane said. "Don't say that!! " Nya screamed.

    Fuck, damnit, what am I gonna do. We have to get Kai out of here!
You won't succeed, he'll die as soon as you walk out.
No, shut up.
Give up now Lloyd, this is weak.
Shut up!
He won't live

   "SHUT UP!!" The others looked at me. They where all worried and confused. "Sorry, I just.. We have to get out of here. " The othera nodded and Cole picked Kai up and put him on his back. "Now, you focus on getting Kai out of here, Cole. The rest of us will defend you so you make it safely out. Get him to the hospital." I instructed them. They all nodded as if to agree and we headed out of the dark room.

   We were met with goons almost immediately. We caught t hem off as we proceeded to the exit.

Time skip brought to you by lays chips.

      No one's P.O.V-

   "He'll be just fine now, he'll have to stay overnight but he can leave tomorrow. The only really severe injury was the gash in his shoulder. That had been treated previously so it's in good condition, he just can't move that arm. " the ninja sighed, their friend would be okay. "Thank you, doctor." Nya said, relieved her brother would be okay.

   "No problem, I must get going now. Come pick him up a round noon tomorrow please. " The doctor smiled and walked off, leaving the ninja by themselves. "Thank the spingitsu master, he's alright. " Nya breathed. "Let's get going now, it's time for dinner. " Zane told the others. They all headed out the door and back home.

   "So, who will pick him up tomorrow?" Jay asked the others. "Lloyd? You want too?" Cole asked. "I wish I could but I can't. I told uncle Wu I'd go with him to get some of that new tea that's out. Nya, what about you?" Lloyd asked, looking over to Nya. "Yeah, I can do it. I should be free tomorrow. " Nya replied.

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   I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope you have a good day / night / evening! Bai!!!

Word count: 1038
Bai my lovely flames❤🔥

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