Ch. 34 ninja-napped!

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This chapter contains


If you do not like this then ease leave. Thank you! There will be a warning for when the blood is nearing so if you want to read till then you may do so. There will also be a heads up that the bloody scenes have ended. If you choose to read then please enjoy! 💛

Word count: 1066💛

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   Kai opened his eyes to see nothing but pitch black. He blinked a couple times to make sure his eyes where actually open. He knew this wasn't a dream because the tight vengestone chains digging into his skin proved so. He tried to speak but there was a gag preventibg him from doing it. He had no idea where he was. The atmosphere was cold and eerie. He held back his tears and kept quiet, it was dark so the only thing proving he was conscious was the sounds he made. Keeping quiet would keep him safe for a little longer.

   Although, at the same time he wanted to scream for help, he was petrified. He couldn't remember what was going on before he had gotten kidnapped, it was all really fuzzy. Then he thought of Lloyd and how he would be feeling right now. It hurt him to think of it. Then, he heard a door open and bright light began to grow in front if him. He quickly hung his head down and closed his eyes,  acting unconscious and hoping the kidnapper would fall for it.

   He then heard footsteps as the door closed and a lamp was turned on. "Don't try to play me for a fool, I know your awake." Said a feminine voice. So his kidnapper was female then, that narrows down some of their enemies. "Look up damnit, or I'll cut your finger clean off." She threatened. Kai snapped his head up, meeting blood red eyes. "Morning, red Ninja." The tone was sinister and wicked.

   "I bet your wondering why you're here, huh?" She asked. Kai slowly nodded his head, scared that she would cut off a limb if he did even the slightest gesture. "Well, I heard you and the green ninja where dating now. I just thought, if I can't have him, no one can. So I'm going to torture you slowly until you beg for mercy and NEVER talk to the green Ninja again, and if you do. I'll kill you." She said with a crazed smile. Kais eyes shot open in horror, she was going to kill him because he was dating Lloyd?

   That's when he remembered, she had kidnapped him right in the middle of their date, Lloyd must have been so scared and heartbroken that Kai had ditched him.

UPCOMING BLOOD/KNIFES and other hurtful weapons!!!!!!!!

    "So, what do you say red ninja? Are you going to ignore him?" She asked, ripping the gag off of him. "Never." Kai knew that he would get hurt if he disobeyed, but he would rather die than ignore Lloyd for no reason, it would put Lloyd through more pain. "I'm afraid that's the wrong choice mister red ninja, it's about to get very messy." She chuckled.

   Before he knew it she had cut deep into his shoulder earning a painful scream from him. He began to she'd tears as he winced at the unbearable pain in his shoulder. The knife was still there, it would hurt even more pulling it out. That's just what she did, she yanked it right out earning b another scream from the brunette. Blood began to ooze out of the wound and glide gracefully down his aching shoulder. It hurt Imensfully. "So, I'll leave you here to change your mind, I don't want you dieing yet so I'll treat the wound, but only for the first couple of days, I won't go very easy on you later." She said, leaving the room.

   She then headed over to the phone and called the ninja.


   "Guys, maybe we should check k up on Lloyd. He hasn't left his room since yesterday and I'm getting kind of worried." Cole said, looking at the others. "Your right, how about we check on him now?" Nya asked everyone. They all modes their heads and headed out of the living room.

   As they reached the stairs the emergency phone began to ring. They all rushed over as nya grabbed the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello there ninja." Said a soft voice from the other line. The tone made them all uneasy. "Hello, what happens to be the emergency?" Nya asked. "There's nothing wrong with me, but your friend here seems to be... Hurt." The person chuckled. The ninjas eyes widened. Lloyd came down from gearing the call, so they knew who therson had.

   "What have you done with Kai?" Nya asked sternly, earning Lloyds full attention, he ran up to the group and listened. "Oh nothing.. He's.. Fine for the most part. But I want something in exchanged for the red ninjas safety." the voice said. The ninja exchanged glances. "And that would be?" Zane asked, crossing his arms. "The green Ninja. And if you do not accept my trade, the red ninja dies." The voice said, they then heard a door open and screaming from the other line. "DON'T DO IT!! PLEASE!!" Kais screamed. His screamed then turned into muffles, safe to say there was a gag in his mouth.

   Lloyd began to tear up. "You have approximately seven days to give me the green ninja, and if not  the red one dies, I'll send you my location, if you bring reinforcements, the red one dies anyway! Goodbye ninja! Have an amazing night." The call then ended with a beep and the Ninja stood in silence. Jay then spoke up "What are we going to do...?"

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I hope you liked this chapter! If you did please vote on it! I hope you have a good day / evening / night! 💛

Word count: 1066💛

Bai my lovely flames, I'll see you again soon! ❤🔥

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