Chapter Two- Good morning sunshine

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~Rose's P.O.V~ 

When I got home last night I went staright to bed, kind of shaken by the events of today, but I managed to sleep soundly cuddled up with Moose. I had expected a nightmare, but none came. Odd. However, I did have a different kind of dream it started out as one I have had before, me smiling and playing with Moose, but the dream took a turn when I felt arms wind around my waist from behind. It was a comforting embrace, not a malicious one that I had often had. I felt safe there, I wanted to go back to that embrace. That guys arms felt like home but alas I do not know their owner.

I brushed it off and began my daily routine only without the depression of waking up from one of my nightmares. When I finished changing and opened the door, as always Moose had his leash and harness in his mouth before dropped them by my feet. I laughed as I put his harness on and told him to go get his ball while I got my keys. A few seconds after you could hear his nails hitting the wood floor as he approached me, I attached his leash and grabbed water on my way out the door.

Once we got to the pond I unhooked his leash and threw his ball in the water. He jumped in after it, splashing some people in the process who then gave me a dirty look. I didn't care though nothing is going to ruin this day for me. After a half an hour of playing fetch with Moose he came charging out of the water towards me, pushing me down and laying on me soaking me in the process. I tried to push him off but he just lay on top of me, panting heavily.

 "REALLY MOOSE? GET OFF!" I managed to get out between laughs.

He licked my face before he stood up and trotted over to a sunny area in the grass and lay on his back with his paws in the air. Taking his lead I laid down, hoping the North Carolina sun would dry me off quickly. I started to pet him absentmindedly as I slowly began to drift off to sleep. 

~Jeff’s P.O.V~

I hadn’t been able to sleep very well last night, I kept thinking about that girl. It's ridiculous! I didn't even know her name! Today I decided to change that. I walked to the pond hoping she was there again. My heart sunk when I looked to where I saw her yesterday and she wasn't there. I still looked around just in case she had chosen a different spot which she thankfully had. She was lying in the grass with her dog next to her again. 

I strolled over to where she was and sat down next to her. Her dog raised his head and looked at me as if checking to see if I was a threat. Apparently I wasn't since he put his head back down. I looked at her and noticed she was sleeping, with a slight chuckle I shook her shoulder. "Good morning sunshine!" 

She looked at me with wide eyes, clearly shocked and she had started to get up to leave. Not again! "Please stay?" I pleaded. With an uncertain look she settled back down and brought her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them. "Hello I am Jeff, you ran away yesterday so I wasn't able to catch your name." 

She mumbled something I didn't quite catch. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that." I said as her giant dog began to wiggle his way in between us. She cleared her throat and said quietly "I said my name is Rosabella, Rose for short." You could tell she hadn't spoken in a while by her voice, but it was beautiful none the less. 

"That's a beautiful name." It really was. She nodded in return and started petting her dog. "What’s this big guys name?" I asked as I pet the space in between his ears.

"Moose." She replied hoarsely.

"Hello Moose! Nice to meet you my name is Jeff." I said as I grabbed his paw and shook it.

In response Moose got up and sat in my lap which got a little chuckle out of Rose. "Oh you think this is funny?" I said gesturing to the giant dog on my lap. She nodded as she grabbed the ball and threw it in the water. Moose shot up and charged after it.

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