Chapter Twenty-Five- First Day Of Freedom

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[A/N]: Why hello there friends! As I said, this chapter is longer, twelve pages on Microsoft Word. WOOOO! I hope you guys like it, if so drop a comment in the section below my story and say whatever your little heart desires. Vote away, Fan away, or you could do nothing I guess but I like so see feedback. :]

Anyway I haven't thoroughly edited this yet, I was to excited. I also have warped tour tomorrow (Yay me!) Have a pleasant morning/afternoon/evening or when ever you are reading this!

~Jeff’s POV~

“Trevor what should I do with these two?” Damien asked with a chilling smile.

“Just let them go Damien…” Trevor said quietly.

“Not an option brother, they have seen me kill a drug lord… Might as well make an example of them too.” He said chuckling deeply.

I slowly moved Rose to stand behind me but I could feel her peek out over my shoulder. Rose trembled behind me as I stared down the barrel of Damien’s gun.

“I am sorry Damien… I can’t have you do that.” I heard Trevor say softly, I saw a shiny point make its way out of Damien’s torso. Shock filled his expression as he dropped the gun then him himself to his knees. Damien fell backwards as a pool of blood surrounded his fading form.

Trevor knelt beside him. “What happened to you Damien? You used to be so kind.” He said lowly and Damien let out a laugh.

“I used to be… Until you married the woman I loved and impregnated the bitch several times.” He said before using the blood that was gathering in his mouth to spit in his brother’s face. Blood rose from his throat then began to pour out of his mouth when he went limp and his head lolled to the side.

Trevor just looked at him blankly and Rose came out from behind me to put a hand on his shoulder. ([A/N]: lol when I was writing this I put “… put a shoulder on his hand…” Just try to imagine that. A guy kneeling next to the dead brother with his hand on the ground and a girl coming up behind him and just leaning down and resting her shoulder on his hand… I laughed for a good minute.)

“Trevor there is nothing you could have done to prevent this and even though you tried so hard… sometimes they have to meet you half way if they want to change, he didn’t.” She said softly in a mother sort of tone.

“Come on man, let’s get out of here.” I said while helping him up and taking him away from his brother’s corpse.

He nodded sadly and followed Rose and I with his head down. “In all honesty… Do you think there is anything I could have done?”

“No.” Rose and I said simultaneously.

“Would you like to stay at our house for a day or two or are you ready to see your family?”  Rose asked I couldn’t help but smile when she said ‘our house’.

 Trevor contemplated for a while before he let out a sigh. “I will just go home… I need my wife to help me through this right now.” He said while running a hand through his hair.

“I completely understand.”Rose said with a sad smile before looking up at me.

We all got into a rental car. “Where to Trevor?” I asked while pulling out of this warehouses parking lot.

“Hotel 1000… I need to pack a few things up and then I’ll head to the airport.” He said with a sigh.

“I just killed my brother… my brother.” He said in astonishment, trying to process that face that he did indeed kill his brother.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now