Chapter Three- Bella

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~Jeff’s P.O.V~

I woke up around nine this morning to get ready for today, starting with a shower. I haven't been this crazy about a girl in forever! It was just something about her that made me want to protect her from all of the evil in the world. Perhaps even me. Maybe it was the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, or the way she bit her lip and ran her hand through her long black hair when she was nervous. I am not sure, but one thing I was sure of was that I wanted her to be mine. Oh Jesus, I sound like a middle aged woman.

After I stepped out of the shower and got dressed in a black tank top, a hoodie, dark wash jeans, and some boots to finish it off. I walked into my garage and got in my black Plymouth Barracuda (He doesn’t have one I just like em’) and drove to her house, which was surprisingly not far from my own.

How have I not met her before?

I pulled up in front of her Victorian style house which was varied in shades of grey; it has a wraparound and balcony to the bedroom above the front door. Butterflies flapped around in my stomach as I walked up her drive way, I know it’s a cliché but I don’t know how else to explain it. Once I reached her front door I rang the door bell, you could hear Moose running up to the door barking. Rose opened the door slowly and poked her head out, when she saw it was me she smiled. I loved the fact that I could make her smile. She was wearing a black tank top, skinny jeans, converse, and had her hair up in a messy bun. In other words she looked effortlessly beautiful.

"Are you ready to go my lady?" I said holding out my arm.

"I am my good sir!" She said as she hooked hers through mine.

"Uh I forgot to ask... Where are we going?" She asked.

"Some place special." I said smiling as I opened the passenger side door.

Once she saw my car she stopped; her eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “Oh my god… You have a Hemi?” She asked looking at me in disbelief.

I shrugged. “Yeah, I only use it for special occasions though.” I said opening the passenger side door.

“Oh a gentlemen!” She said with her chin held high and held out her hand so I could help her in the car.

“Only for you Bella.” I said with a wink as I helped her in.

I walked around the hood and got behind the wheel and starting driving. After a while Rose cleared her throat and said “Bella? No one has ever called me Bella.”

I chuckled. “It means beautiful in Italian, and you’re Italian correct? I asked

“That doesn’t suit me well...” She said looking at her hands.

I tilted her head to she was looking at me. “You do not see yourself clearly at all Bella.”

“Wait… How did you know I was Italian?” She asked looking confused.

“Oh I don’t know perhaps your name gave it away…. Rosabella… I kinda just stuck my neck out and assumed it was Italian.” I said my sarcasm apparent in my voice.I turned into the entrance of Hanging Rock State Park and parked in the spot nearest to the path. I got out of the car and helped her out. Once out of the car Rose turned in circles taking in her surroundings.

“Where are we?” She asked.

“We are at Hanging Rock State Park, I used to come here when I was young… come on.” I said motioning to the path.

On the way to the cliff she tripped once or twice after that she held onto my arm for balance, which I had no complaints over. As we neared the cliff I took her hands off my arm, and instead put mine over her eyes, she was going to love this!

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now