Chapter Twenty-Three- New Friends and Planning Ends

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[A/N]: Did you miss me? :D.. Oh, no?... Okay then... Anywho CHAPTER TWENTY FRIGGIN THREE!  wowza! I really enjoyed writing this one!

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~Jeff’s POV~

I wondered the halls of the resort, bucket in hand, trying to find the ice machine. While walking down our hallway I did see a room service lady rolling a cart down to our room and I also saw a hooded man walking to his room I presumed.

I turned a corner and there sat the ice machine. I placed the bucket underneath the funnel where the ice comes out and held the button to release the ice. The ice filled the bucket loudly until it started to fill up, when I walked back to our room I noticed the door was open and the smell of smoke assaulted my lungs… Odd.

“Rose?” I asked while rounding the corner.

“She isn’t here…” I turned in the general direction from where the voice came from and saw Tyler sitting at the table with a cigar. The hooded man that I saw in the hallway stood beside him with his gun visible.

“What did you do to her?” I asked through clenched teeth, making a step forward but pulling back when the man held his gun out at me.

“I wouldn’t come closer if I were you… You see my buddy Tom here, doesn’t like people in our space.” He chuckled and took a drag of his cigar before slowly releasing the smoke from his lungs. “Also, you are in no place to be asking questions but she is on a plane to the other side of the world right now.” He said bored as he ashed his cigar onto the carpet.

“Why can’t you just leave us alone?” I thought out loud and he laughed darkly.

“Because you took what is mine!” His fist slammed down on the table.

“I will get her back… Maybe not today… Maybe not tomorrow, but I damn well assure you I will get her back.” I threatened but he just laughed.

He put his hands behind his head and crosses his feet on top of the table. “You can damn well try, but you will probably die.” He said with his voiced kind of muffled by the cigar hanging from his mouth.

“I just might, but that is okay… If I go out I am taking you down with me.” I said before walking out the door only stopping to grab our suitcases that were conveniently left next to the door.

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING? NO ON WALKS AWAY FROM ME!” He roared as he made his way into the hall.

“It does Rose no good sitting here and inflating your already massive ego… and by the way, it looks like someone just walked away from you.” I said before departing, leaving Tyler fuming behind me. I knew Tom wouldn’t shoot, for heaven’s sake the man jumped when Tyler hit the table!

I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and dialed Frank’s number. He answered on the second ring.

“Jeff did you get her?” Frank asked hopefully.

“Yes I did… but I left to get ice and Tyler swooped in and got her. I should have known!”

“There is no predicting Tyler Williams, Jeff. Do not blame yourself for this. I will schedule a meeting tomorrow with the detective team I found Rose with in the first place.” He said hoarsely.

“I will be on the first plane back to North Carolina.”

“Thank you.” He mumbled before ending the call.

I tried to call Rose’s phone but all I heard was her voice mail… It was kind of comforting to hear her voice but it haunted me that maybe that’s the only way I could hear it from now on. No, I was going to get her… I cannot afford to think like that.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now