Chapter Twenty-Six- Mmmmmmm Barracuda

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[A/N]: THERE IS SEXUAL CONTENT IN THIS CHAPTER! <--- That is my warning not being like 'WWOOO sexual content! Fuck yeah!' Also the photo on the right is of Julie (Lacy "Mosley" Sturm, former lead singer to Flyleaf) Also that is her singing on the right as well ;]

~Rose’s POV~

The feeling of freedom is something so unimaginable when you have been caged up for far too long. It is a fantastic sensation that filled my whole body, I could even breathe easier. Even when I was separated from Tyler and he was in jail I would still walk on eggshells, look over my back, and my skin even crawled. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind I was not in his hands, but not out of his reach either.

But now?

 Now my walk with confidence, look forward, and instead of my skin crawling it tingled in a good way, because I was happy or when Jeff so much as touched me it would go on over drive. Crazy how the death of someone could benefit your life, but keep in mind that I never wished him to die. I am not the type of person to wish death upon even the worst of people, but that isn’t to say that I am not relieved.

He can hurt no one anymore.

“Good morning sunshine.” Jeff whispered huskily in his morning voice before kissing the back of my neck.

“Good morning mi amore.” I rolled over so I was now facing him and he just cracked a smile.

“You look beautiful in the morning, love.” His hand brushed some hair out of my face before he kissed my forehead.

“What about every other time? Or do I just look beautiful in the morning?” I teased while I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

“Oh, all twenty four hours of every day baby!” He chuckled deeply causing his chest to rumble.

“You know your birthday is coming up soon…” I dragged on. “What do you want?”

“Nothing,” He said with no thought at all. “I already have plans.” His corner of his lips turned up in a mischievous smile.

“What are we going to do?” I pressed hoping to get information.

“It is a surprise.” He quickly kissed my forehead and jumped out of bed, I got out of bed and grabbed his arm before he could leave.

“That is not how this works, Nero.” I released his arms once I was sure that he wasn’t going to run off. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him; I could see him squirming under my stare. It was like he was excited and wanted to tell me but won’t. Damn.

“I cannot tell you.  It is something for the both of us.” He unfolded my arms and ran his hands down my arms till they reached my hands, then he grabbed them firmly. “You should get ready, love. I called Julie to come over today so we could work on the Barracuda and she is bringing Shannon too.” He said quickly before running into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. I am guessing he wanted to shower first.

I came so close; I could tell his resolve was crumbling. With a sigh I walked down stairs to begin making breakfast, French Vanilla Pancakes, in hopes that I would get it out of him by feeding him. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right? I whipped up everything into a batter before cooking them while doing so I hear the sound of paws and nails pattering against the wood floor.

I snuck a glance over my shoulder and saw Moose cantering towards me. I turned my attention back to my cooking, I soon felt a large head ram up against my thigh causing my left knee to give out and smash into the front of the stove.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now