Chapter Twenty- Unsuspected Arrivals

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[A/N]: Hey guys! Sorry I planned on uploading yesterday and I was writing but Transformers came on tv and I got distracted... Anwho I figured I would pump this chapter out because I feel like I owe it to you guys. Sorry it has been so long!

~Jeff’s POV~

Training was taxing on both my mind and my body; with each new defense I learned I always asked ‘Will I need to use this to protect Rose?’. Just the thought of me having to defend her means I failed at getting her out of harm’s way… that if I used these, she would already be in Tyler’s scummy hands.

I pulled up into the drive way and just sat in my car for a few minutes before finally entering the house. Having the guys there with me definitely eased my worries but even they were worried for me. However, I didn’t let my worries get in the way of my training; I couldn’t afford to be distracted when learning something that could potentially save Rose’s life.

I quietly make my way through the halls that lead me to our shared room that had pools of light seeping from underneath. I opened the door to reveal Rose cuddled up on the armchair in the most uncomfortable position. Her face contorted into one of pain before she let out a daunting shriek.

I quickly dropped my gym bag while sprinting towards her, I kneeled down to her level and held her close to my chest. “Rose, baby, you gotta wake up.” I whispered in her ear while brushing her hair from her forehead that was plastered there from sweat.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NOO!” She cowered beneath me, trembling with fear as she rocked from side to side. I held her head against my chest so she could hear my heart beat, this normally does the trick but this time it just wasn’t enough.

“P-p-please d-don’t hurt him.” She stuttered as she broke down in tears, still sleeping.

I held her head between my hands and I started to panic so I did the only thing I could think of… I kissed her. She convulsed as if she got a small charge of electricity before breaking down. Her arms wound their way around my neck as she cried into my chest.

I picked her up from the arm chair and she held me closer. “It was so real…” She croaked as another cry bubbled its way up her throat. I sat on the bed and lay back, pulling her with me so she now lay on top of me.

“Tell me about it.” I said lowly while running one hand up and down her back and the other held one of hers.

She nodded slowly before speaking. “Tyler kidnapped me and then you came to save me, he was going to kill you… I tried to stop him but it only made it worse… He held a gun up to your head and that’s when I woke up.” She explained numbly.

“It was just a dream baby… We are both okay a-“

“I wanted to talk to you about something but I fell asleep in the chair so can I tell you now?” She asked with a yawn.

“Of course Koala bear.” I mumbled before kissing the top of her head.

She pulled herself up so she was now straddling my waist. “I don’t want you to think that I regretted last night. I just forgot I didn’t have shirt on and freaked out… I am sorry baby… Last night was very special to me.” She confessed with smoldering green eyes that scream love and sincerity.

I rolled over so I was now on top and lowered my mouth to her neck as I started kissing up towards her jaw line. “It’s not your fault baby.” I said as I ran my hand down her bare thigh and hooked her leg around my waist.

I continued my assault on her neck causing her to squirm in anticipation. Apparently I took too long because soon her hands found their way into my hair and she led my lips down to hers. My hands trailed along her arm until I found her hands and released the grip on my hair and intertwined our fingers holding both hands about her head.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now