Chapter Thirteen- Three Week Sleep

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~Jeff’s POV~

After a two hour, minimally invasive surgery the doctors were able to finally stop the bleeding. Turns out one of my ribs broke and punctured my lung, which is why I kept coughing up blood. My lung progressively filled with blood effectively restricting my breathing and slowly began to  drown me in my own blood. That was a week ago… Rose still hasn’t woken up.

Amy only stayed at the hospital overnight for observation, when she got discharged I demanded to be moved into Rose’s room. After hours of arguing with the doctors about how ‘it’s against hospital policy’ and how I didn’t care if it was. After I finally made it clear that I wasn’t going to take no for an answer so they gave up. Rose’s parents arrived while I was in surgery and I didn’t know they were there till my bed was being wheeled down to Rose’s room… It was pretty awkward at first since I had yet to meet Rose’s Dad, Frank, but he was actually a pretty cool guy.

I heard shuffling from the couch to see Maria waking up. “Any changes?” She said lowly so she didn’t wake Frank.

I frowned and shook my head slowly. “No.”

Maria let out a sigh. “How could I let this happen to my baby? I failed her once and I vowed to never do it again…” I was about to protest and say that her kidnapping or this wasn’t her fault but she continued to speak. “She has to wake up… She has to! She was finally starting to be happy again!” You could hear the hysteria in her voice grow with every word she said until she stared off into space for a few seconds … Then she started crying. Frank who was sleeping next to her woke up and he wrapped an arm around her, allowing her to cry on his shoulder while he ran a hand up and down her back.

There was a knock at the door followed by Matt and Amy. Amy sat down on the chair on the left of Rose’s bed and held her hand before looking up at me. “Anything new?” Her expression was one of hope.

“No.” I muttered while carefully getting off my bed to sit on the chair on the right of Rose’s bed. I grabbed her cold hand before putting my head down on the mattress. I stayed there for about five minutes until her heart monitor went wild.

The doctor had told me when this happens it is likely that she is having a nightmare and that there is nothing we could do about it. When he told me this I scoffed at him and climbed into her bed ignoring his protests. Carefully I pulled her closer and her heart rate started to slow to a normal pace. The doctor mumbled something along the lines of ‘I have never seen or heard of anything like this in coma patients’ He left the room with a puzzled expression. It has been a few days and he still has no explanation.

It was strange how she looked so peaceful when really she was terrified. I crawled into her bed and resumed the position I had spend most of my days in now. Almost instantly her heart rate began to slow.

“It still amazes me how you can do that. When she lived with us Maria and I tried everything to calm her down but nothing worked. All you have to do is touch her!” Frank looked at me with a warm smile.

“To be honest it amazes me too…” I said lowly while squeezing Rose’s hand.

It took two weeks for us to get any good news from the doctor he said “The test show more brain activity, she is now breathing on her own, she even moves her fingers sometimes. I suspect she may wake up soon.” He smiled at us before leaving the room.

There were sighs of relief all around the room, Maria and Frank held each other while shedding tears of happiness, Matt held Amy while she cried, and I sat next to Rose’s bed and took her hand into mine. Frank brought up the idea of a celebratory lunch in the hospital cafeteria but I politely declined his invitation… I couldn’t leave her alone.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now