Chapter Seventeen- Thank You's

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[A/N]: As of now this is UNEDITED! I will most likely have it edited within a day or so. Thank you so much for reading. It really means a lot to me, I LOVE to read your guy's comments! When I notice I get more votes I get really excited! (I am even so lame I have a sticky note open at all times recording my reads, votes,and comments.) 

~Rose’s POV~

Waking up alone isn’t very ideal is it? Well today it was quite the opposite; normally the space beside me is warm. Today however it was cold, I sleepily reached out over the bed to see if he had rolled away. My hand came across a black rose sat with a note tied too it. I grabbed the flower and sniffed it before opening the note, it read:

Good morning sunshine,

                Follow the arrows.

                        Love forever and always,


A smile crept its way onto my face while I peered over the edge of the bed, there were little duct tape arrows on the floor that lead out the door. The giddiness I felt was undeniable as I quickly got dressed in yoga pants with a blue band, a tight black tank top, and my black and blue DC high-tops. I threw my hair up in a sloppy bun and I was good to go. Grabbing my phone as I left I followed the arrows down the stairs and all the way to the barn door that donned a rose made out of duct tape on the door.

The door was just light enough so I could open it; I mean this door is massive… not to mention the track it slides on is probably rusted. I grabbed the handle and slid the door open, Jeff stood in the middle of the barn with Baby and an unfamiliar horse; both the horses rode riding gear.

“Who’s is this?” I asked in wonder. In front of me stood a horse that was mainly brown but it had randomly placed white stripes. One stripe went from under the main between his ears, down his neck, around his shoulder, it ended when it wound around his front left leg and ran down the inside of his front left leg. One started behind that same shoulder blade and met the other stripe that went down his leg. Another went around his waist right before his back hips. Those were the main stripes; a few others were placed randomly. The horses eyes were a grey blue, all in all this horse looked mysterious yet gorgeous. He held himself confidently and donned quite the personality. (Picture of Creature on the side! →)

“This is Creature… I placed an order for him the same day I bought the house and he arrived today.” Jeff said while Creature stomped a foot and whinnied. I approached Creature to let him sniff my hand, Tyler’s grandpa told me that horses have a scent gland under their upper lip and if you allow them to sniff it the horse will remember you forever. He could have been lying but I just went with it.

Jeff walked up to me and ushered me towards Baby who was patiently shifting her weight every so often. “Let go for a ride shall we?” Jeff asked with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk before hoisting me up onto the saddle. I situated myself and watched while Jeff unlocked the gate to the pastures before he got on Creature. I have to say this horse perfectly mirrored Jeff… It was unique, definitely charismatic, and dare I say an Enigma?  

We trotted down the trail until we came across a clearing; excitedly I turned by body to face Jeff. “Want to race?” He nodded with a smirk.

We both took off down the clearing and it was just about the best feeling ever… I felt free… Like I had no worries in the world. For no reason other than pure bliss I began to laugh while Baby charged down the clearing and we were nearing the edge of a creek. I turned to my left to see Jeff, who was behind me, rapidly gaining speed. He ended up passing me before skidding to a halt by the edge of the creek, I stopped only seconds after.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now