Chapter Twenty-Four- DOUBLE KILL

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[A/N]: Hey guys! I thought since it is my birthday might as well give back right? So here you are, a new chapter!!! Yayy! Turned seventeen today, I am stoked! 

~Rose’s POV~

It was Thursday, one day before the scheduled attack of Tyler. I had found out from Trevor that Tyler plans on taking me to a warehouse and he has given Jeff the address. Tyler also aimed to ‘gut’ him in front of me as some type of gift in that twisted way of his. To him it signified a means to a new beginning or some bullshit like that.

If I was alone in this these last few days I would be lost, but thankfully I had Trevor who is growing to be a good friend. I had devised a plan so that Tyler wouldn’t try anything with me, I said on Saturday I wanted to get married to him but stay celibate until then to build up the anticipation. He took it as some romantic gesture so he gladly accepted but in reality it was a ploy so that he would leave me alone.

~Jeff’s POV~

“It is a trap Jeff, I don’t know why you are going to walk right into this!” Matt objected trying to get me to stay while I packed.

I turned to him and looked him dead in the eye. “I cannot just walk away from this Matt, this is a chance for Rose, Tyler, and I to be in the same room and get this settled. I am not dragging you or anyone down with me… besides Tyler if it comes to it.”

“This is a suicide mission!” He countered, but I already knew this.

“I know.” I said while zipping up my suitcase and hoisting it off the bed. I turned to Matt who held concern in his eyes.

“Thank you Matt… For everything… If Rose comes back here alone, please take care of her.” I said sadly while I gave my brother what very well could be our last hug.

“She isn’t coming back alone Jeff.” He said stubbornly.

“I hope not.” I muttered before descending the steps and making my way to the car.

I popped the trunk open and placed the bag inside before getting into the driver’s side and driving off to the airport. It finally started to sink in on my way to the airport that dying is a possibility. I took a deep breath and parked the car before checking my luggage in.

“Flight B-26 to Seattle Washington now boarding.” I woman spoke over an intercom throughout the entire airport.

I took a deep breath and walked to my terminal; I already bought my ticket online the night before so I was set.

The flight attendant looked at my expectantly while holding out her hand. “Ticket please?” She said, bored out of her mind obviously.

I handed her the ticket and she scanned it before handing it back. “Thank you sir, have a nice flight.” She repeated a phrase she has said many times.

I nodded in response before settling into my seat that I would be sitting in for the next seven hours. With a deep sigh I lifted my hood as to not be recognized because as much as I love my fans I just couldn’t do it right now. Fans are frivolous when the love of my life was in danger but regardless I would never shun them.

The lids of my eyes started to drop from my lack of sleep these few past days. Getting a good amount of sleep would have been beneficial for me but my mind wouldn’t shut up.


The turbulence caused by the airplane descending to land woke me up. My hood was pulled down and I looked around to see a young child beaming at me with a toothy smile.

He held up my hand signal. “Extreeemmmee!” He said grinning wider.

“That’s right buddy.” I said with a chuckle, as I said… I would never shun them.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now