Chapter Fourteen- That's My Job

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[A/N] So I bet you all hate me because I havent uploaded in a while but I repayed you with a longer chapter AND a little somthing something ;) Please dont hate me? D: 

Any way... Vote/Comment/Fan and such! 

~Rose’s POV~

Jeff shook me awake gently. “Rose? Wake up, it’s time to go.” Time to go? Where are we going?

“What are you talking about?” I mumble groggily while rubbing my eyes.

With a smirk he chuckled. “You are being discharged today… Nice hair by the way.” With the last part his smirk grew into a full blown smile. My hand shot up to my hair only to feel a rats nest that began to form. I stumbled out of the bed and dragged my feet to the bathroom to brush out my Medusa like hair.

Once my hair was tangle free I exited the bathroom and was greeted by my parents who were just now walking through the door. I scanned the room and Jeff was nowhere to be found. “Hey guys.” I mumbled while shuffling back to the bed that I collapsed on.

“Hey sweetie.” My mom replied with an amused tone.

“Did you hear I am getting discharged today?” I said into the mattress.

“No I did not… Is it safe to be discharged so early?” My mom asked with concern laced in her words.

“I supposed… I mean doc said it was okay so I am just going to go with that…” I said while sitting up and crossing my legs. “I don’t think I can stand the smell of this place any longer.” I complained while scrunching up my nose. Apparently this had been funny because my mom was shaking her head with a small smile while my dad shook with suppressed laughter.

“Hey Maria, hey Frank.” Jeff said while making his way to sit next to me. A knock sounded on the door and the doctor walked through wearing a smile.

“Good afternoon everyone,” He said before turning to me. “Are you ready to be discharged today?” He asked with faked enthusiasm.

Before I could reply my mom cut in. “Is it safe for her to be discharged so early after waking up? Should I hire a stay at home nurse?” She asked kind of frantically.

“Rose seems to have bounced back rather well, her mobility is great, so is her memory, and her speech. I see no reason to keep her here any longer. However, if you insist on keeping her hear longer-“ This time I was the one to cut him off.

“No! She does not insist,” I said quickly before turning to my mom. “I will be fine mom. I have Jeff with me and if I need anything I won’t hesitate to call you.” I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Okay…” She said skeptically.

“Now that’s that settled all I need you to do is sign your release papers, grab your things, and you will be on your way.” The doctor said while handing me a clip board and pen. I signed where it said to, and handed them back to him with a grateful smile.

“Thank you for everything.” I smiled warmly at him.

“No problem Rose. I took an oath and I plan on sticking to it!” He said with a wink before exiting the room.

“Weird guy… He is all happy one minute then he could care less… Now he is winking?” Jeff joked with raised eyebrows. This got us all to laugh.

While my parents were in their own little world I grabbed Jeff’s hand and began to trace the indents on his palm. “Where did you go?” I asked lowly as to not disturb my parents.


“I went into the bathroom and when I came out… Poof! You were gone.” A small smile found its way to my face like it always did when I gave him a hard time.

Saved By A Hardy Boy [Jeff Hardy Love Story] *SLOWLY BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now