Chapter 1

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Jeon Jungkook bumps into me in the hallway.

And that's putting it nicely.

He's running, striding, toward me. His black t-shirt is soaked through with sweat. I understand that the company gym is on this level, but that doesn't mean he can come at me like a horse. When our shoulders collide, it's like all I can see is his hair swooping perfectly over his forehead. He gives me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry," he says.

He's a few inches taller than me, but at this moment I want to grow-just so I can look down on him, to feel like I'm on the top of the world. I don't know if I will ever feel what he feels, performing in front of thousands and thousands of fans, to be secure in your career. To be loved.

Then, when I think I'll be ignored-like I've experienced many times in this industry, he stops. He stares, points. "Karma? You're debuting. With the Fates."

The Fates-the girl group that the whole world is supposedly waiting for, at least that's what HYBE is making it seem like. It's surprising to me that Jungkook knows my name, so for a second I get tongue-twisted with my words.

Until it comes out with the confidence I've practiced-hours and hours spent in front of the mirror. "Yes. I'm Karma. It's an honor to be debuting in the same company."

Jungkook runs a hand through his hair, somehow adjusting the swoop to be even more perfect. He seems to see through me, past my facade and into my true insecurities-all the doubts of whether I will succeed as an idol. "I don't doubt that you'll do well," he says. "I heard your debut song while passing by the recording booth. I think you sounded amazing. I think the Fates will top every chart there is."

He heard me? A spurt of embarrassment rises up within me, no matter how I try to tamp it down.

In the hallway, the air conditioner is dipping from low to high. It's like there's an air vent right on top of me, blasting spurts of cold and warm air. Jungkook can't feel this of course. He's untouchable. He's an idol that has truly traveled the world and learned to adjust the atmosphere to himself. He'll always be fine.

I can't say the same for my group.

I smooth down my black t-shirt, wishing that I wore more than it and my sweatpants today. But I don't think I could ever do anything to impress Jungkook.

"Were you heading to the cafeteria?" he says.

For a moment, I consider telling him the truth. Yes, that's exactly where I was heading. If I could take hold of my braver persona, I could even ask whether he's going alone, whether he's willing to sit with me. Instead, a lie takes over my tongue easily. "No," I say. "I was just headed to a meeting with my group members."

Being the leader of the Fates, I learned how to take control, or at least pretend to. I can't ever let Jungkook know how flustered I am-even though yes, I do look up to him and the other members as more than my idols.

I decide, in one moment of certainty, that I'll avoid the cafeteria for the next two hours. Jungkook doesn't need another girl trying to sit with him, asking about his day. I am in desperate need of a reality check, and a refocus. And a reminder that boys and I don't mix well, and maybe never will.

After he waves goodbye, I watch him head toward the elevator, his form narrowing through the black company walls. I only allow myself a few seconds before I head backwards.


Right into an emergency meeting with my group.

"She's quitting."

I've never quite understood just how much two words would be able to get under my skin. But it feels like I'm burning.

I should've seen it coming. Yuna wasn't doing well. Not only was she late to everything-practices and meetings. She also had a constant, dark look to her eyes no matter how much she slept.

But we're a group. All four of us-me, Nabi, Jesstina, and Yuna. We were meant to debut together.

I recall a conversation we had a month ago. She poured out the fact that she was having a very rough time. But we've been through rougher. Training for two whole years together. It was just the four of us, meant to face the whole world and captivate thousands, millions with our songs. It was meant to be.

Apparently not.

CEO Kim, who everyone calls CEO Kimmy, is the leader of HYBE's newest label, Moonscape. He's always encouraged us through every rough moment in the team. Today, he could've at least tried to sugarcoat things.

But I know that's not what I truly want. I need to hear the truth if I can understand how to perhaps bring back Yuna.

"We can talk to her," I say. "We're her groupmates. We're supposed to talk about these kinds of things."

Jesstina and Nabi make sounds of assent-the former much louder. Jesstina was the closest to Yuna, even though they were exact opposites in terms of personality. Nabi and Yuna were the most similar-quiet, keeping things to themselves-but they also fought the most. I bet neither of them knew what Yuna was planning to do.

"It's a medical emergency," CEO Kimmy states. "She needs to be with her family to recover. Until then...."

He lets the words hang between us, while the gray couches in his office stare each other down like two cats. I let out a cry. "Until what?" I reign back my outburst, knowing that I'm speaking to an elder. "Is BTS going to step in and save the day or something?"

CEO Kimmy strokes his chin. If he had a beard, he would be combing it down. "You know, that isn't such a bad idea."

A/N: Hi reader! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Girl Group! What are your first impressions? 

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A/N: Hi reader! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Girl Group! What are your first impressions? 

Honestly, I can relate to Karma so hard in this first chapter. Bumping into Jungkook, it'll be hard not to compare yourself. 

Love you, ARMY! 💜

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