Chapter 37

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The HYBE gym is a good place to run into your favorite idol unannounced. It's also Jesstina's definition of a love-hate relationship. Like Nabi, I can't stand the place, but Jesstina always mentions how it's necessary before performances.

"If we don't have some endurance," she says, "how are we going to jump, waltz, and fly off the stage?"

"Fly?" I say.

She must not hear me over the whirring of her treadmill. She increases her speed yet again. Beside her, I double down on the elliptical. I glance over my shoulder, to where Nabi is doing some weightlifting by the dumbbells. By her pained expression, I don't think we'll last beyond a half hour more.

I'm so distracted by my members that I don't see him until his familiar voice calls out behind me. "Mind if I join you folks?"

I almost careen completely off the elliptical machine. I stop abruptly, jumping off and landing hard on the floor. Jesstina leaps onto the stable part of the treadmill, the belt speeding wildly underneath her. Off in the corner of the gym, Nabi covers her mouth and nose with both hands.

Jungkook is here. And not only is he here, but his extensions are back in, cascading toward his shoulders in platinum waterfalls. His face and hands are still clear, but if the extensions are back in....

I didn't tell the girls that Jungkook is going to perform with us, the four members of the Fates making a comeback during our very first concert. I stay quiet, letting Nabi and Jesstina take in the moment, savoring it even as a few trainees make a racket out of a few weightlifting machines.

"Join us?" Jesstina finally says. "As in—don't tell me...."

Nabi traverses the gym like she's on American Ninja Warrior." She stops in front of Jungkook, like a car stalling on the road. Then she reaches out and embraces him.

Jungkook smiles as Jesstina leaps down, effectively making it a group hug. I join them as well, savoring the feeling of Jungkook's strong back against my left forearm.

"Does that mean we're back in business?" Jesstina says.

"I don't want to be a party pooper," Nabi says. "But we have a lot to work on."

Nabi is right. We've already gotten used to performing as three, and adding Jungkook back will be a huge adjustment.

But that doesn't mean it isn't possible.

After we all draw away, it's like the dust settles and the magnitude of our mission comes into focus right before us. Jungkook is joining us for possibly his last performance with us. We only have one week to get it together, and thousands of fans are depending on us to give them the night of their lives.

"I think this is a good excuse to end our workout," I say.

Jungkook pouts. "I was hoping to do some weightlifting."

"No time," I say, grinning. "We have to make sure that you don't outdance us."

Jungkook eventually surrenders, following me and the girls out of the gym. I hear him mumbling to himself about how he always gets outvoted. I face forward, not wanting him to notice my huge, obnoxious grin.

A/N: The Fates are back in full force! Are you ready for their performance?

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A/N: The Fates are back in full force! Are you ready for their performance?

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