Chapter 6

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HYBE is absolutely insane.

Jungkook turns around in the dressing room that we've rented from one of the most famous malls in Seoul, COEX. The boutique is the stuff of princess dreams, the picture I would eat up if I were twelve again.

"I'm not wearing that wig."

The subject of torture is Jungkook, who is looking at a pastel-pink wig that would drape down past his shoulders in smooth waves—that is, if he ever put it on.

Jesstina is cracking up. "This is amazing. Jungkook, you need to try it on."

Despite myself, I can't help cracking up too. Everyone looks at me like I've suddenly suggested that we light this place on fire.

"Karma?" Nabi asks, concern in her soft voice.

"I'm okay," I say. "It's just... this is unbelievable."

The boutique we're sitting in is completely enclosed. For all I know, a mob of Jungkook's fans are waiting outside for him. The room is completely gold and white, with the former color in ribbons and detailing all over. I feel rich, even though I'm completely indebted to HYBE at this point in my career.

"Go ahead and laugh," Jungkook says, a bit of annoyance crossing his eyes.

I stop. I guess he hasn't quite gotten over it when I refused to eat his ramyeon.

Things have been... stilted between us to say the least. I wasn't exactly trying to get on his bad side, but the shock of Yuna leaving and trying to adjust with him living in our dorm—it's been the roughest on me. Jesstina is taking it in good sport and Nabi is the quiet optimist with all of this, but I can't seem to accept that Jungkook is actually a part of the Fates.

Maybe it's not all going to hell—maybe I can salvage this. I point to the wig. "Jungkook, that is definitely your color. You should try it on."

"I'm not trying that on," he says with finality.

"You're a part of the Fates now," I say. "You're going to have to make some sacrifices. And wearing that wig during our performance will definitely give you the X factor." As if you need more of an X factor, I don't add.

"Why don't you wear that wig?" Jungkook counters.

I laugh. "Look at me! I already have the hair for the group."

Jungkook and I fall into a staring contest, where I'm about to lose thanks to his sweltering gaze. Jesstina claps twice, knocking us out of it.

"Jungkook-oppa," she says. "We would love to see you in that wig."

Nabi giggles. "Yes, I think it would look great on you."

"Hey, as long as we don't put you in a bikini," I say.

Jungkook glares at me one last time before a chuckle escapes his mouth. "Fine. We're drawing the line at bikini."

Taking a deep breath, he turns in a full circle as if a paparazzi will pop out of the walls or the many articles of clothing hanging around. He holds the wig in his hands, as if he's staring at a beast that he has to conquer.

"Go ahead," I say.

It's like I spurred him on. As soon as the words leave my mouth, he flips the wig over and plops it onto his head.

Jungkook looks.... surprisingly pretty. His lips stand out thanks to the pink wig, and his small face matches the volume of the locks. His eyes are shinier, and his cheeks are rosier. If he wasn't wearing a light layer of cushion makeup, I think I would see his blush so much clearer. In this moment when it's just him and the wig, our camera team and protocol team melt away. There are no prying eyes—just the girls, me, and Jungkook.

I'm in very deep trouble, because if he always looks this pretty, it's going to be very hard to hate him.

"I love it," I say.

Jungkook jerks and then swipes the wig off his own head.

"Hey, I was trying to get a picture!" Jesstina says.

Nabi is still holding a hand to her mouth, as if seeing Jungkook in a wig scandalized her.

Jungkook throws the wig onto the nearest couch. "The cameras already captured it. I never want to be seen in that again. And I'm definitely—"

"You have to wear that in our opening performance," I say.

Our debut date is set for next month, and it's approaching so quickly that I can already hear the cheers and the echo of our singing in an auditorium full of potential fans. It doesn't matter how much I try to deny it—Jungkook is going to debut with us. He's practicing all the choreo, memorizing all the lyrics, and putting in so much work that I think even Yuna would approve.

"No," Jungkook says, crossing his arms.

It leads into a stare-off between me and Jungkook, which our manager Kristine interrupts by clearing her throat—loudly. "Jungkook, forgive us, but we're not done. This day is dedicated to making you find your inner woman."

I want to snort, but I think Jungkook would definitely throw the wig at me if I push him any further.

Nabi, Jesstina, and I go into a frenzy picking out all the prettiest dresses, the most fancy wigs, and the colors of lipsticks that would go well with Jungkook—we have so much variety that Jungkook is mumbling to himself while appraising all our picks.

Even though we're being recorded, it feels like it's just the three of us and Jungkook, having a girl's day out.

I approach Jungkook with a pretty plain black dress. He looks at me like I'm holding an anaconda.

"No," he says, turning and leaping in the other direction.

"Yes," I say, running after him and shoving the dress toward his chest.

And then the world freezes. And then the events of the past week catch up with us—me ignoring him, him trying to get on my good side before giving up. All that tension hovers between us like a spinning knife. I can smell the ramyeon he tried to make for me, seeing the innocent hope in his eyes.

And then I drop the dress.

Jesstina shoves a purple dress in his direction. "It's your color!" she says. "You'll love it."

Jesstina spends at least twelve minutes, supplemented by Nabi, trying to convince Jungkook that he'll look absolutely spectacular in a dress.

"I'm really doing some soul searching here," Jungkook says while heading into a dressing room with Jesstina's pick.

I would crack up if it wasn't for the stand-off that we had just now.

Jungkook exits the dressing room with the purple dress. The sequins are plentiful, and there is a lot of leg involved. I'm sure I look like a deer in the headlights right now.

Because he's beautiful, and I'd be stupid to say otherwise.

Because even with his muscular body, there's a delicateness to him that reminds me of Yuna. And maybe... just maybe I think he'll fit into the Fates.

 just maybe I think he'll fit into the Fates

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A/N: Is HYBE crazy for this? 

I love the wig line so much that I had to include it in the book's blurb. I know that we all imagined Jungkook in a wig, at least once! 

Anyway, having a day of dress-up sounds like the perfect summer activity. Maybe this chapter is a reminder that we should try something new, whether it's a purple-sequin dress or something a little less flashy.

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