Chapter 7

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Girls day isn't over.

After having lunch at an Indian restaurant, Nabi's favorite, our producer has the magical idea to visit someplace very special to me and the girls.

And what better place would that be, than the place we met?

When I sent in my audition to HYBE, of course I dreamed of what it would be like if I was chosen. I didn't allow myself to dream too much, but I certainly thought about it. Recording the video to send online was like trying to pull out a tooth with my finger. I took a million takes. My mom was furious when I woke her up at midnight with my belting. Even my father, who usually has tons of patience with these sorts of things, was annoyed.

Long story short, I recorded it and sent it in, and a month later, I received the email with the good news.

Karma, we received your audition. We would like to invite you to Seoul for the second round....

The preparation was crazy, and convincing my parents was the hardest part, but in the end they supported me.

The PD asks me to explain the place to Jungkook. "I don't know if you remember," I say. "But when they had the second round of auditions for Moonscape, they rented out an actual high school. The auditions were held in the gymnasium, and there were hundreds of girls waiting to impress the judges."

"I remember," Jungkook says.

I resist raising an eyebrow. How could he remember? It was so long ago, and he must've been on a world tour when it happened. No matter, I don't question it.

"So... I met Nabi, Jesstina, and Yuna in line," I say. "We were all standing together, four of us in a row. They called it destiny, how they ended up choosing the four of us to enter Moonscape and then putting us in the first group to debut."

"Crazy," Jungkook says. And coming from anyone else, the reply would be vapid. From Jungkook's mouth, it sounds pretty and thoughtful.

I frown. I shouldn't be having those thoughts.

Sacred Academy, an international girls school in Mullae, is where we pull in once the sun reaches a plateau in the early afternoon. The parking lot is empty—thankfully, everything we do with Jungkook must be kept top secret. When Yuna was still here, we would go anywhere we pleased—no one would recognize a group of trainees. With Jungkook, suddenly everything has to be on the down low.

Jungkook basically ignores me with a grunt when I try to lend him an umbrella for the sun, which is understandable. If it turns out that he can't stand me, I guess that's my fault. I gave him such a bad impression. And even if we're doing this girls day together, it's Nabi and Jesstina that he's showing trust for.

This is why one of them should've been the leader. I was voted in as the leader by all three of the girls, while I wanted the role to go to Yuna.

"Okay girls," Kristine says, ushering me into the gymnasium. "And Jungkook," she says, almost like an afterthought. "We're here to really get into the character of a girl."

"Huh?" Jungkook says, as if the words have completely flown over his head.

"We're going to have you give your big entrance," Kristine explains. She snaps her fingers.

A protocol member holding out an outfit for Jungkook appears. Turns out, the team kept the best picks for Jungkook. His purple dress and pink wig made the cut, along with a load of pastel accessories.

"Oh my God," Jungkook says, almost comically covering his mouth with his hand. If his eyes got any wider, they would never close.

"I'm not wearing that," Jungkook says, after a beat.

Kristine eyes me and the girls. I guess it's our job to convince him. "C'mon, Jungkook," I say. "If you are part of the Fates, you're going to have to play the part."

He glares at me, rubbing a hand down his jeans as if to remind himself of his current, manly outfit. "It's going to take a lot more than that to convince me."

"Fine," I say. "I'll—"

I'm about to say I'll cook you ramyeon when Jesstina interrupts, "I'll give you the blanket that you're always eyeing!"

Jesstina's blanket is a massive, plush baby blue that covers her entirely as she lies on the couch to watch YouTube on her phone. Jungkook always eyes it while we're in the living room. He seems to think about her offer for a bit, before grunting in approval. "Fine, but you have to wash it first."

"Done deal!" Jesstina squeals.

I have a bit of regret, not speaking up sooner. If this bridge keeps widening between us....

Jungkook goes off to change. Nabi pulls me aside. She speaks softly, even though all the cameras are off. "Are things still the same?" she asks.

It's only through all our past conversations that I attain her meaning. Are things still the same, with you not able to accept Jungkook as a member? Does it still feel wrong to you? Does it still feel like Jungkook will never replace Yuna?

I want to answer her honestly, so I steel myself and make sure that I really mean my words. "Things have changed," I say.

Nabi's eyes light up, like I told her that I'll buy her a lifelong supply of her favorite Pepero snack.

When Jungkook arrives in full attire, the protocol team squeals. I steal a glance at Jesstina, whose eyes are wider than I've ever seen them. Nabi puts a hand to her mouth, like she wants to bite on a nail—except she isn't nervous. She's overwhelmed.

And I am too. In a pink wig and purple dress, Jungkook might look like a complete weirdo to some. To me, he's stunning. In a full face of makeup, he could really be a member of the Fates. His sneakers have been replaced with dainty flats, and the accessories shine bright against his skin. Pastel really is his thing.

Jeon Jungkook, you are playing a very dangerous game.

Jeon Jungkook, you are playing a very dangerous game

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A/N: Hey! We're on lucky chapter 7! 

I've been thinking about the time I started this story a few months ago. I had a new friend read the first chapter. It was so nerve-wracking! But she enjoyed reading it and encouraged me to keep going.

If you're a writer as well, what keeps you motivated? I know it's hard to share our work, but sometimes it's worth it. If you're mainly a reader, what is the first thing you look for in a story?

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