Chapter 40

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During Japanese class, Nabi and Jesstina sit in front of me. The teacher points to the smart white board, explaining our essay question for our monthly test. She speaks entirely in Japanese, and I struggle to understand the main idea.

The classroom shrinks when I glance beside me. Jungkook stares at the board with furrowed brows, digging his thumb into the center of his pencil.

Can't figure it out? I want to say.

Even though he's not participating in regular group activities for the Fates anymore, he still joins us for lessons sometimes. And he's open to performing at upcoming concerts. Turns out, I didn't have to face another Yuna. It's comforting to know that Jungkook will always be a part of me.

I scribble my answers on my worksheet, trying to focus despite the very handsome man next to me. After the concert, we ate barbecued kalbi and pork belly until we were ready to explode. Jungkook got a little more than drunk, and we had to carry him out so he could be taken home by his bodyguard. I still can envision the sweat on his face, the way he slurred his vowels while mumbling about how well we did on stage. How we completely owned the night.

I swear I must be getting a D on the test, which usually would never happen. But Jungkook is more than a distraction. I have mixed feelings about him resuming his schedule with the rest of BTS, but I'm mostly happy—just a bit bummed that he won't be able to join our schedule very often.

Ten minutes left for us to finish the test. I glance again at Jungkook. His bottom lip quivers once, and this may be the closest I've seen him to a panic attack.

You okay? I mouth when he glances over.

He nods, some of his grit returning. He turns back to the test and our final essay question.

I finish quickly and spend the remaining five minutes stealing glances at him. Emotion rises in my throat, drowning me in sparkling cloud. In this small HYBE classroom, I'm close to completely losing it. Heat travels from my armpit to the rest of my body, and a weird tingling sensation sticks to my under eyes.

Jungkook gave me so much. He proved that a man could be kind, and that I don't have to worry about being abandoned. Because he will always be there. He will not only lend a hand to the Fates, but to me whenever I fall down behind the scenes. Jungkook is brave and brilliant, so talented that it sometimes hurts to look at him. But he also is an appreciator of talent—but even if I had zero talent in body, I know he'd still respect me. He'd still give me love.

Jungkook, how would I ever repay you?


A week after the Japanese test, Jungkook is set to make his comeback with BTS.

I lead Nabi and Jesstina toward the elevator, hitting the button for the highest floor.

"Why are you shivering?" Jesstina says, grabbing my forearm.

"Because," I say. "I haven't seen him in a week."

"A week is the longest time for two people in love," Nabi muses.

As the elevator opens, I find myself in an array of purple and golden balloons. The place teems with streamers and other shiny deco, completely taken over by the kings of the building. Even the expanse of the city lying before us seems smaller next to the grandeur of the place. A massive buffet line curves through the top floor, filled with all the guys' favorite dishes. The tantalizing smell makes me drool, and the rainbow colored cocktails stand tall on tiered platters.

"There he is!" Jesstina says, smacking me on the spine.

I lurch forward, then hesitate. What if....

"C'mon!" Nabi says, pushing me gently. "He was dying to see you too. I just know."

"Just leave us some space so we can talk to him too," Jesstina says. "You know—hey!"

I run from the girls of the Fates, weaving through the staff members, trainees, and other idols invited to the comeback party.

I come face to face with Jeon Jungkook. He wears a dashing suit and a silver tie, his hair extensions taken out and exchanged for a shorter hairstyle. I heard they're doing a proper bad-boy concept this time.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey." Jungkook grins, and then he seems not to know what to do with his hands.

The other BTS members float up around the maknae, greeting me. But I don't hear them.

I'm too busy staring at the person who showed me incredible kindness, who saw me as special when I felt my worst and most undeserving.

I stride up and kiss him. On the lips.

His face heats up, tingling against my cheeks. I hold myself in place before pulling back, wondering if I just made a huge mistake or the bravest and most powerful decision of my life. Maybe both.

The BTS members are whooping and speaking so quickly that I can barely make out anything. But I think Namjoon calls me daring and awesome.

"I missed you," I tell Jungkook.

The flush travels up his cheeks and stains his skin. I want to kiss him again, but this time it would definitely be caught on camera—if it wasn't already.

"Missed you too," he says. "I think you made it obvious. I... thought it was nice though."

"Nice?" I grin, watching him try to come up with the right words. "I poured my all into that kiss."

Jungkook tries to wiggle out from the tightness of the suit around his wrists. Then he comes close and embraces me. It feels even more intimate than the kiss, so soul-baring that I could cry just like I did at the concert. Nabi and Jesstina, and the members of BTS, all go completely quiet.

Jungkook. Thank you so much for joining my girl group.

A/N: The End! ARMY, you made it to the end of Girl Group and I couldn't be more thankful for you

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A/N: The End! ARMY, you made it to the end of Girl Group and I couldn't be more thankful for you. See my full note for you at the acknowledgements in the next and final part.

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