Chapter 10

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The only way we can convince Kristine to give us an hour at the PC bang is to somehow work that into our debut showcase.

So Jungkook, Nabi, Jesstina, and I will have an hour to game—it will be included in the intermission of our showcase, almost like a breather or comic relief.

At least, if the viewers don't realize the tenseness between me and Jungkook.

It starts on the ride there. I sit next to Jungkook in the back seat, and he's listening to something with his wireless earbuds.

I wave a hand in front of him. At the same time, the car jerks and I slap him in the face.

Jungkook scowls. "What was that for?"

"Nothing...." I say, but he seems to blast the volume on the phone so he can't hear me.

Maybe gaming was a bad idea.

I've always loved to game—it was one of my hobbies since I grew up as a major introvert and found it hard to make friends. My absolute favorite childhood game was Flyff, and I made some killer online friends because of it.

"What are we playing?" Nabi says, turning over her shoulder. She's wearing a sundress that could probably make anyone stop and stare.

Jesstina smooths a hand over her bejeweled jean jacket. "Let's play something that will bring out our inner femininity."

Jungkook takes out an earbud. "How about KartRider: Drift?"

Jesstina releases a little scream, almost causing our driver to swerve into the next lane. "I love that game. My siblings and I played that all the time. I have to warn you guys though, I came first place every time."

"I don't think that will happen," Nabi says. "I actually placed second in a major nationwide competition in middle school."

"Seriously?" I say, at the same time Jungkook says, "Really?"

I avoid his stare as I wait for Nabi to answer, trying to ignore the blood that rushes up my neck and into my cheeks. "KartRider it is," I say.

Jungkook dons a bucket hat and dark glasses as we rush into the PC bang at ten fifteen pm. The whole place is cleared out for us, and Nabi and Jesstina go ahead to order some ramyeon, tteokbokki, and fried chicken. I put in my order for a strawberry smoothie and watch as Jungkook adds five more options for our late night snack.

"Hungry?" I say.

I think he might ignore me, but he lets out a little grunt eventually. "Always."

We get into position, all four of us lined up before the high speed desktops. PC bangs are one of my favorite parts of Korea, along with noraebangs, the delivery system, and the ease of transportation. I get comfortable, adjusting to the ergonomic chair and the soft padding to rest my wrists.

Jungkook sits to my left, with Jesstina to my right. Nabi sits on Jungkook's left.

"Get ready to fall to your knees," Jesstina says.

"No, that's not okay," Jungkook says in English.

"You've been practicing!" Nabi says, earning a big smile from Jungkook.

I sink deeper into my chair, wondering when or whether I'll ever be able to make him smile.

We eat in between a few practice rounds. My mouth burns from the hot and spicy food, but it's a comforting sort of pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Jungkook slurp up his ramyeon and recall the day he offered to cook for me. How would my life be different now if I just accepted his kind gesture?

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