Chapter 9

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Being a leader has never come naturally to me.

Nabi, Jesstina, and Yuna chose me because they thought I was levelheaded. I could be calm and reasonable when making decisions for the team. I could lead from behind, as our manager Kristine likes to say. It took me a while to get comfortable with my role, but over time I saw myself getting used to leading. I enjoy it—being a steady pillar that the girls can rely on.

And now... for Jungkook to rely on.

Practice continues with Jungkook stealing the spotlight each time, and I would be angry if it wasn't for his obvious talent that shines through in each dance or vocal performance. Our teachers adore him, and Jesstina continues her banter, while Nabi confides in him for romance advice.

Jungkook and I are on, unstable ground to say the least. He is over trying to be cordial to me, when I obviously have some sort of vendetta against him. He never offers to cook ramyeon for me again, and our conversations are stilted at best.

It feels like I handled this incredibly wrong—Jungkook joining our team.

And now it's time to take control.

It's a late night at the HYBE building, and we are finishing up our choreography for our second single on the album, "Greek God." It's a contemporary number, filled with lots of turns and flourishes that definitely takes all of my concentration to execute.

"Great job girls," says Heart Seonsaengnim, clapping. "And you too, Jungkook."

Jungkook gives a little bow before Nabi and Jesstina all but collapse into each other. I know that Jungkook will probably head off to film some BTS content, while Nabi, Jesstina, and I are meant to ride home together.

Instead of following Nabi and Jesstina out, I signal them with my hands, hoping that they can read my mind after years of living together. Jesstina raises her eyebrows, but Nabi grabs her gingerly and leads her out the door. When our teacher leaves, it's only me and Jungkook left.

"Can I speak to you?" I say, my voice annoyingly shifting higher.

"Sure," Jungkook says, but his mouth and jaw shift in a subtle way where I know he's guarded.

My whole plan goes out the window. Originally, I wanted to confront him about how I've been treating him like a nemesis, apologizing in one smooth go. Usually, that would be my levelheaded move—the quality that made me a leader in the first place.

But this is Jeon Jungkook that we're talking about. Everyone would go weak in the knees next to him and forget about all the little speeches that they've prepared.

"We're debuting very soon," I tell him.

"Yeah." Jungkook shuffles a bit to the left, playing with the stylish fray on his black t-shirt. "There are only a few weeks left to go."

"I was thinking...." Just apologize, Karma. Don't make things complicated. But the part of my brain that is supposed to be thinking rationally is turned to mush. "You know, the girls day that we had was really eye opening. But I don't think you're fully prepared to debut in a girl group."

"Oh?" He looks curious now—maybe because I'm about to challenge him.

No apologizing now, apparently. My mouth runs faster than my brain. "As the leader of the Fates, I think I need to shape you. You aren't going to magically turn into a girl, but there are some things that you can learn."

"I'm willing to learn if it will help the Fates in the end," Jungkook says. His dark gaze sends shivers from the top of my spine to my tailbone. "What do you have in mind?"

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