Chapter 16

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My alarm blares, its pitch the most deathly combination of metallic and resounding. I chose it particularly because it's impossible to sleep through. I deftly reach over my pillow and shut it off.

So I wake at the fine hour of three am, rolling over and thanking the heavens that it was my turn on the bed last night—although I do feel bad for Nabi. Before I fully open my eyes, I think of a short prayer. My paternal grandma, the only Christian in my family and a very devout one at that, would be proud of me.

It lasts a total of ten seconds before Jesstina grumbles and slams the door open. She's always been clumsy in regards to all things waking up.

Nabi soon follows, leaving me to stumble through the dark alone. Reaching my hands high above my head, I almost startle seeing Jungkook chugging an energy drink in the kitchen.

That's right. He lives with us now.

Although it's been a little more than a month that we've been sharing this space, it's still quite hard to get used to. I was right in that various media outlets are spinning stories of why he's staying here. The general public seems to be mainly amused, thinking it odd and funny that he's fully committing to the girl group concept. Others are outraged, calling it a dumb and dangerous move by CEO Kimmy.

I would say that neither party is completely wrong.

"Slept well?" I ask. We haven't talked much since the nightmare incident, which was two nights ago. The past few days have been a rush of interviews, practice, and filming, and we haven't even gotten the chance to sit down—let alone start a deep conversation.

"Well enough," Jungkook says. His manager slash cameraman stands beside him—seems like the guy changes out every week or so. "I just want to warn you. Today will be crazy."

Today—our first music show appearance.

"I bet so," I say, "considering we needed to wake up at three."

Jungkook makes a grunt of assent, and I try to ignore the way his hair tumbles onto his shoulder, as if in desperate need for a hand to comb or braid.

The door to the bathroom slams open, and Jesstina lets out a moan that mixes a bit with a scream. "Shorter than usual, Jess," Nabi quips.

"It's the adrenaline," Jesstina says. "Making me feel strange things." She waggles her eyebrows at me, which stirs me to believe that she can read my budding feelings toward Jungkook. I close my eyes and try to complete the shortest meditation session in history.

While waiting for Nabi to finish her turn in the bathroom, I take my vitamins. I have a whole color-coordinated pillbox which holds everything I could possibly need to heal a cold, relieve stress, or prepare me for a day like today. A day that will require a hundred percent of my energy and focus.

I find Jungkook watching me as I swallow the pills down with a glass of water. There's a haziness in his eyes that reflects the time of day. Otherwise, he's as sharp as ever.

After the girls, myself included, are done washing up, Kristine arrives and we rush down the stairs to the van waiting for us. On the way down the steps, Jungkook's hand brushes against my elbow, and I swear that it feels completely new to me—even though there were countless times where I would randomly brush against someone. I shrug it off, blaming it on early morning tiredness. Once Nabi and Jesstina crawl towards the back seat, I take the left middle seat. Jungkook is the last to enter, and from there we're on our way.

"Getting déjà vu, Jungkook?" Jesstina teases from behind.

Jungkook lets out a little chuckle. "I mean, it's been like a decade. Since I was on my first music show."

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