Chapter 20

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The electrode pads rip off, and Jungkook's shoulder crashes against the floor. His head lolls to one side. Stunned silence and gasps make way for marching orders from Kristine. She directs two bodyguards to carry Jungkook. "To the nurse's office," she says. "Immediately."

I follow without thinking, Nabi and Jesstina on my tail. "Stay here, you two," I say. "I won't be long."

I think Jesstina wants to protest, but in the end they stay with Heart Seonsaengnim.

The elevator ride is mostly quiet as Jungkook struggles to remain on his feet, trying to breathe steadily. I place a hand on his shoulder, ready to catch him just in case—even though there are two strong men beside him.

"Did it really hurt that bad?" I ask, as we trudge our way through a lower floor.

"It hurt, but I don't know why I collapsed." He coughs as I make myself useful by opening the door to the nurse's office. The guards carry him in, setting them down on a chair in the lobby.

"You guys can leave," I tell them. "I can handle it from here."

They exchange a look of understanding, leaving me alone with Jungkook. Until the nurse rounds the corner, holding a clipboard. "Jungkook? Are you unwell?"

I let Jungkook drape an arm around my shoulder, as the nurse supports his other side. Together, we lead him into the exam room. Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh as he sits on the treatment chair, laying all the way back without being prompted.

"Let's test some of your vitals, but I think I know the issue here," the nurse says. She's a kindly lady, in her mid thirties, with spectacles round like a perfect circle. She almost drowns in her white coat, but she moves quickly enough for it not to be a problem.

"There's a recurring issue?" I say, fearing for the worst. Could Jungkook be struggling with some terminal illness that I'm unaware of?

Jungkook groans, leaning back against the headrest. He doesn't look particularly saddened by whatever illness I don't know about—more annoyed than anything.

"Dehydration," the nurse says. "Jungkook is known not to drink enough water."

I let out a sigh, relieved enough to take a seat on one of the medical stools. Just dehydration. Why did my heart pick up so much, racing like I was the one in the treatment chair?

"I drink enough every morning," Jungkook says, leaning so far back that his face is almost parallel to the ceiling.

"Energy drinks, right?" The nurse clicks her tongue. "Those can be dehydrating if you drink too much. Water is the best." She takes his vitals swiftly. Then, she writes something on her clipboard, heading toward the doorway. "I'm going to fetch you something hydrating. I'm heading to the storeroom, since we ran out from the last time you ended up here."

When she leaves, I close my eyes, trying hard to process the feelings rushing through me—the most intense worry, along with cool relief. I don't know why my heart felt like it was going to combust when Jungkook collapsed. It's not like I'm a stranger to ailments. Jesstina, Nabi, Yuna, and I have all fainted, or at least collapsed, because of the harsh training and schedules.

Maybe it's because of what Namjoon said to me—watching out for Jungkook. For all this time, I thought he wouldn't at all need any aid from me. But I'm the leader of the Fates, and that places him under my protection in some way....

"This must be stupid to you," Jungkook says, voice turning softer now that we're alone. The window next to the treatment chair lets in a healthy dose of sunlight, and the cityscape of Yongsan sprawls before us. Illuminated, Jungkook doesn't appear like a normal human being. His angelic quality makes it hard for me to respond normally.

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