Chapter 5

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Jungkook wakes up at the same time as the girls. At least, he's there when Jesstina is heating up a muffin in the microwave and Nabi is drinking her favorite vegan chocolate protein shake.

"Hello," he says, waving at me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's being shy.

I echo his greeting and then try to make small talk with the girls. But Jungkook is... distracting to say the least.

His cameraman is also doubling as a manager, making sure he's on schedule and attending to other needs. Even though his agenda will be lined up with ours during the next—

How long is this going to last?

Jungkook draws me out of my worrying when he yawns loudly, his head going so far back that I'm afraid he'll headbutt his cameraman. He doesn't take any breakfast. And I don't blame him, since it's not quite six am. If I wasn't so sleepy, maybe I'd have time to be angry. With Yuna leaving us, being pushed into this arrangement like a mad experiment by our CEO.

The first lesson of the day is dance with Heart Seonsaengnim. Even she seems a bit shy when going over the position that Jungkook will fill. It seems wrong, to look over and see Jungkook instead of Yuna. There's one moment in the choreography when I'm supposed to lean back and let Yuna spring me back up like a leaping frog. When Jungkook touches me, I flinch, rolling toward the floor.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook says, as Heart Seonsaengnim stops the music.

Everything I want to say. Instead, I just shake my head and signal the rest of the group that I'm good to go.

Dancing most definitely did not come easy for me. In fact, I struggled the most out of all of the members. With Jungkook here, it's almost an insult straight to my face. Not only is he a quick learner, but he executes the movements so well that I don't feel like a leader of the Fates anymore. I'm just someone in his shadow.

"I think we've got it, girls," Heart Seonsaengnim says. "Jungkook, you just need to put in the hours to master the new choreo. I'm sure it'll be no problem for someone of your caliber."

Anger wells within me, and I don't know why the prospect of working with Jungkook makes me see red. Nabi and Jesstina are cordial, and Jesstina even cracks a joke when Jungkook comments on her long, fluttery eyelashes. I'm not like the other girls. I think that's what she says, but there's too much steam coming out of my ears.

"Do you think you're confident enough for the choreo for 'Weavers'?" Jungkook asks while we take a break for water. Sweat annoyingly trickles down his throat.

I nod, even though it's clear to me that I won't appear so proficient next to the golden maknae. I can't let him see me stumble, and I can't let him find out that I was the only one who voted "no" when asked to add him to our group.

Next is our vocal class. When Jungkook enters the room, it's like Caren Seonsaengnim changes personas. All of a sudden, she is the most polite person alive. She comments on Jungkook's smooth tone, the way he drifts across all his vowels like the source of a waterfall. Even I can't focus on the notes I need to hit when Jungkook begins to take some of Yuna's rapping parts. I haven't heard him rap in... forever, and turns out he's still good at it despite straying from that route.

Although "Weavers" is the title track, pure synth pop, we have a ballad called "The Girl Who Flew," which is especially stunning when Jesstina hits her almost-over-the-top high runs.

She's overpowered by Jungkook, who belts so majestically that I almost careen into my music stand.

"Focus, Karma," Caren Seonsaengnim says. I can barely squeak out a note that is in the middle of my range.

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