Chapter 12

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"We're rolling!"

The track for "Weavers" blasts from the surround-sound speakers in the HYBE indoor studio. Jungkook, Nabi, Jesstina, and I let our bodies take control as we synchronize to the choreography. Behind us, a massive spool with threads splayed outwards, along with two massive needles, shine against a background of dark cloth and opalescent stars.

The "sessions" between me and Jungkook have grinded to a halt since the music video filming began. Still, I can see the fruit of my efforts. Jungkook melds into the Fates almost as nicely as Yuna would.

"Cut!" yells the producer.

I stop, standing still as members of the protocol team rush toward me and the members to wipe off our sweat. I know every protocol member like the back of my hand, and I thank each one by name as they do their role. Makeup artists powder and conceal, while a stylist fixes the ruffles of my ink black sweater.

"Good job," Jungkook says, striding up to me as the producers fix the set—apparently, one of the needles has gone a tiny bit off center.

"You too," I say. I manage a smile. Jungkook and I have turned from kind-of enemies to acquaintances, and I think that's progress.

Nabi and Jesstina go over a tricky part in the choreography. Jungkook is stolen by a cameraman to give his honest thoughts about what it feels like to debut again.

I'm about to run off for a bottle of water when one of the protocol team members screams. "We have to pick out new skirts!"

In a rush of information spreading like wildfire, I find out that our second outfit for the upcoming dance scene has been stolen. Or at least, that's what Kristine guesses—we could've just misplaced them, but there are rumors of some staff members who are vehemently opposed to Jungkook joining our group. CEO Kimmy says not to worry, and I haven't been—but that's mainly because I haven't had any time to be worrisome.

"Don't worry," I say, going against the rising panic within me. "We can pick out new skirts."

I gather all of the members, Jungkook included, and we head over to the adjoining dressing room. Almost instantaneously, the protocol team brings in a hoard of different skirts—and cargo shorts for Jungkook in matching styles.

No matter how much we would try to convince Jungkook to wear a skirt, he still wants to keep his masculinity. His hair extensions, lengthened eyelashes, and sparkling nails are enough for him. And even though he didn't go all the way, I can't help but admire him for going through with this concept.

"Karma?" says Kristine, pointing to the multitude of different options before us. "Please take a few minutes to choose. We don't have much time."

With the members, I pore over the different styles. My eye catches on a black and yellow striped piece that will match with our pastel top. In the second dance scene, we'll completely change color stories and shoot in a technicolor-space themed concept. We'll be bright, standing out like individual planets in the solar system.

"How about this one?" Jungkook asks, holding up a simple black skirt. Accompanying it is a plain, black pair of cargo shorts.

"I like it," Jesstina says, rubbing a hand across its fabric.

"Me too," Nabi says. "It's sleek."

Eyes zero in on me, and then I cough to dispel myself of the pressure. After all, I'm the leader of the Fates, and I need to make my opinion heard. "I think we should go with the black and yellow. It'll definitely make us stand out."

"Our tops are going to do that for us," Jungkook says. He points to a clothing rack with our pastel tops lined up like displays of modern art pieces.

I keep calm, even with the rest of the team bumbling about like a hive of worker bees. "Nabi, Jesstina?"

"Either one works for me," Jesstina says.

Nabi glances between me and Jungkook, well aware that this is a political question. She avoids it by saying, "I'm with Jesstina."

The staring war begins with Jungkook, his dark gaze piercing the air, locked in towards me. I use the skirt as a shield, covering my torso. "We could ask for another opinion," I say.

"No," Jungkook says. "We should decide it now. This is a team decision, and it will greatly affect how our music video will turn out."

I've seen this look before.

I see Jungkook on the stage, dancing his heart out to one of BTS' difficult choreographies. His determination to execute every move flawlessly, so that his fans will leave stunned by the piece of moving art that they just witnessed, it's apparent right now. I see him missing a step in the choreo, and his obvious disappointment that follows like a shadow. Or him missing a vocal run—the strain in his eyes knowing that a mistake was made.

It's much more than a skirt to him. To Jungkook—this is a heavy decision in his creative world.

I challenge him one more time. "I still think the yellow and black will match our theme better."

Jungkook tilts his head from side to side, as if weighing his next words. "I have experience with these things. The yellow and black will be a distraction, and that will be all the viewers can focus on."

"Wouldn't it draw attention to our movements?" I argue. "Our leg work is definitely a standout. It could work in our favor."

Jungkook nods, but I can tell he still doesn't agree.

I don't know exactly what's gotten into me. I've always been the quiet leader—the one to lead from behind. But Jungkook has awakened this part of me to speak out and be a little bit of a pain.

"I think—"

"Fine," Jungkook says, cutting me off. "We'll go with your choice."

His eyes are smoldering, but I think I've won his respect in some way.

"Good choice," Jesstina says, a bit too peppy for her to be oblivious to the electricity in the air.

The currents seem to wrap around me, causing the ends of my hair to stand. Nabi jumps in. "Next time we'll have a proper vote."

I love these girls, and a part of me thinks they let me and Jungkook hash it out—just so that they can observe who would win.

I don't think I'll be winning all the time.

A/N: I'm always so interested in the music video filming process

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A/N: I'm always so interested in the music video filming process. I wish I could be backstage for one of the shoots, just to see firsthand how much goes into it! Do you also love watching behind the scenes content?

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