Chapter 22

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Kristine tells me to stay off social media at all costs. And that's how I know—it's really bad.

In the dark hours after my stunt on the Live, their names come back to me. It's not like I ever forgot their names—rather, each syllable haunts my nightmares. Sam, Damien, Bobbi, Loren, and Hawk—they were the five main boys in high school who made my life hell.

And my best friends from middle school—Izzy and Layla, who both left my hometown after eighth grade and never would know how much I'd miss them when I'd no one to bolster me up.

"You might just be the ugliest girl I've ever met," Sam said in the hallway once—nothing like the dark hallways of HYBE, but all the scarier with lockers that could encroach on me if I imagined them to. I tried to ignore him, but he called after me even after I darted toward the bathroom. "Did you hear me? C'mon, Karma, I just want to hear your reply for once."

In all of those moments when their words would tear me down, I'd imagine what it'd feel like to be holed up in my room, playing League of Legends or a cozier video game—where I'd take care of a farm or play with a virtual pet. I felt safe in my room, or in the corner of the bookstore or library. Everywhere else felt unsafe.

And right now, as I walk into HYBE for an emergency meeting with CEO Kimmy, I feel that wild instinct surge up in me again, making me want to hide.

"Seriously...." I mutter to myself as the girls and Jungkook follow my steps. I try to make this lighter than it actually is. And although Nabi and Jesstina know about the group of boys, they can't know that right now my memories are sabotaging me. And Jungkook only knows the bare bones of that—he wouldn't know that our Live would fan the flame.

So I have to keep it under control. Be the leader that Moonscape expects me to be.

"You know, it's just words," Damien had said one day in geometry class. "You're lucky that we aren't actual bad people. Words are just meaningless—you can handle it. It's just teasing."

Izzy, Layla, why did you leave? I remember thinking this as the boys continued to tear me down with their "just words."

"You okay?" Jungkook asks, only succeeding in drawing me half out of my memories.

"Fine," I say, swallowing hard. I clench and unclench my fists, trying to ground myself with the blood rushing toward my fingertips.

The walk to CEO Kimmy's office is somber, and I find myself playing with my two most precious possessions. One is a butterfly necklace that Nabi gave to me, which I only wear on special occasions. The other is a friendship bracelet that I made with all the girls, which includes so many charms that it's almost too extra in my eyes. Also—for special occasions.

CEO Kimmy welcomes us at the door to his office, standing like he was keeping watch. "Girls. Jungkook," he says, his expression unreadable.

CEO Kimmy has always been the "cool" boss. But could he be a little perturbed by what went down on the livestream? After losing Yuna, I've been preparing myself for more bad news. Today could split my career into another before and after.

Time suspends as I take a seat, facing CEO Kimmy's desk. He keeps his office just as eclectic as his personality, with figures of his favorite anime characters, a color-coordinated bookshelf, and an hourglass with pastel blue sand constantly trickling down. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he'd be the CEO of some sort of video game startup.

"We gather here today..." he starts.

And a part of me relaxes. He doesn't sound like he's about to rip into us for ruining his vision. I'm sure Jungkook being part of the Fates meant that there would be some dating rumors. Maybe he expected this to happen, somewhat.

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