Chapter 13

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People always talk about cutting tension.

But today, the tension cuts me.

Debut day comes around quickly—and although I've been waiting for this moment for two years now, a part of me wants to delay it for a little bit, just so that I'll figure out how to process that—

I can't even say it properly. That the Fates will debut as an official idol group.

I've always been a firm believer that you shouldn't care about the opinions of the people who don't love you. All that matters is my family's and friend's opinions, and in addition to that will be the opinion of my fans.

At the same time, all of the other opinions will be so plentiful and heavy that it'll be hard not to take notice.

"How are we feeling?" Jesstina says as we pile into the van that will take us to our first destination—the studio where we'll hold our very first livestream event. Afterwards, we'll do an outdoor fan meet and end with our debut showcase in the evening.

I'm about to answer when Jungkook enters the van. He's wearing a pastel pink lob wig. It doesn't quite match his denim jacket and jeans, but it'll definitely be the first thing that people see when they tune into our stream.

The rest of us are also dressed in a copious amount of denim, but our hair is all natural. My hair is black, Jesstina's is a light brown, and Nabi's is a light blond that fits her extremely well—she got it done for our debut day. Jungkook's pink moment will be splattered all across the internet.

And honestly, I'm here for it.

"Don't laugh," he says.

I can't help from being overcome by a fit of giggles. I lean forward, resting my head against the chair in front of me. Jungkook's pinkness will be forever etched into my memory of the Fates' debut.

Jesstina and Nabi join my laughing spree. Jungkook sulks and settles into his seat, leaning all the way back and crushing Nabi in the process when his seat springs backwards.

"Oppa," I say, deciding to use the term of endearment. "You're crushing one of your members back there."

If he's surprised by my calling him oppa, he doesn't show it. He adjusts his chair, and Kristine checks whether we're all ready to go. When our car speeds off in the direction of the studio, I decide to stare in the opposite direction of Jungkook. But even so, I catch the reflection of his pink wig in the glass. I crack a smile.

"Any words of wisdom for us, Jungkook?" Jesstina says as we come close to our destination. "You're the expert on all of this! So it'll be nice if you can pump us up a little."

I turn back to face him. Nabi and Jesstina lean forward intently, and even Kristine seems to be angling her head backwards. I prepare myself for a moment like we had at the PC bang, where the world faded away and all that mattered was Jungkook's words.

Today, he sighs loudly. His grin is hesitant. "I have nothing to say, besides the fact that the nerves never truly go away. Um. Fighting!"

"Really?" I say, daring to reach out and push against his arm. "Nothing else?"

Jungkook shrugs. "Even after all these years, I didn't come up with any formula on how to be invincible on days like these."

"We don't need to be invincible," I say.

"Right," Nabi says. "We just have to be the Fates."

Coming from anyone else's mouth, the words would fall flat. From Nabi, I feel my heart begin to pump in determination. I would do anything to protect her, Jesstina, and now... even Jungkook.

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