Chapter 25

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"Couple outfits were a great idea," Jungkook says, looking smart in his frameless glasses, cream varsity jacket, and baggy jeans.

I smile at him, suddenly aware of the weight of the matching outfit. But I don't have time to dwell on the cuteness of it all for long. Someone else has my attention.

Nabi plays with the ends of her hair, her usual calm demeanor broken with an uncharacteristic nervousness. She's usually tidy to perfection, but today the collar to her pastel pink shirt is wrinkled, and her skirt is ruffled from being constantly kneaded by her palms.

I want to ask her if everything is alright, but since we have no time to spare, the team and I are shuffled over to hair and makeup. The filming for "Greek God" will begin in the indoor studio at HYBE for the dance shot. Later, we're heading to the Han River to film more natural scenes.

As one of our makeup artists beats my face, I scoot over to Nabi and manage to ask, "Is everything alright, Nabi?"

She gives a terse nod. "Yes, after I tell you all something."

I keep silent, wondering what Nabi could possibly be keeping a secret. Once hair and makeup is done, we change into our dance costumes—all champagne gold with no sparing of ruffles and silk. Jungkook stuns in his golden extensions, his eyes alive with similarly colored contact lenses. I give myself a second to admire us all, as one group with one goal. Our tied fate especially shines in moments like these, and I allow myself to dream of the four of us sticking together—for the rest of our careers.

I pull us all to the side of the dressing room before we take the elevator to the studio. "Nabi, if something is bothering you, you can let us know. I promise that there will be no judgment."

"Yes, girl," Jesstina says, adjusting her golden teardrop earrings. "We promise. And if you don't want to tell us yet, that's fine too. Is it something that Jungkook did?"

Jungkook scowls, checking out the golden rhinestones glued to his fingernails. "Hey."

"Thank you guys," Nabi says, glancing over her shoulder where Kristine is signaling that we have five minutes until we're due for the first shot. "It's not Jungkook. It's just... do you remember how 'Greek God' came about?"

I nod, keeping my voice low even as the room teams with buzzing staff members. "Of course. You and Yuna wrote it."

I recall the day that the song was approved by Moonscape. Everyone on the team burst into cheers, and Yuna and Nabi shared a long embrace.

"Right," Nabi says. She takes a deep breath. "'Greek God' reminds me of her. And I miss her so much. And... I was falling in love with her during the time we were writing the lyrics. She never loved me back, so I thought it wouldn't matter if I kept all of this inside. But I feel like you guys deserve to know, now that we're going to be living and breathing in this song."

I nod, even as a brief hit of surprise enters my lungs. Nabi loved Yuna—in a way that she didn't love me or Jesstina. "I didn't know, Nabi," I say. "I knew it was possible in the back of my head, but you two constantly fought the most, especially in the days before she left the group."

"I guess fighting with her was an attempt to mask my emotions," Nabi says. Her shoulders droop. "Sorry for keeping this a secret for so long."

Jesstina wraps an arm around Nabi, pressing closer. "You're our sister, Nabi. Thank you for telling us. Yuna totally missed out!"

"Did you know, Jesstina?" Nabi says, her voice barely audible through the chaos of the room.

"It was a possibility," Jesstina says. "But honestly, I thought that I'm much more of your type."

Nabi slams her hand into Jesstina's shoulder. She scowls, and the air turns warmer. "I have definitely never fallen for you or Karma. And not Jungkook. Sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook scratches the back of his neck, looking sheepish. I realize he was quiet the whole time, processing Nabi's admission. "No apology needed. Thank you, Nabi. I feel like you really trust me too."

Nabi grins. She surprises me by pulling us all into a group hug—usually, that would be Jesstina's job. With a deep breath through her nose and out her mouth, Nabi glistens like a whole new person. She gives us a resolute nod, and we follow Kristine to the elevator.

The dance scene is set in an underwater mansion, bubbles blowing everywhere and mystic-looking paint covering the walls. Although the mansion is mostly a facade, it has enough dimension for our dance routine to weave in and out of the fake entrance. I lead the cheer: "Carve your own fate!" And then, I get into position between Jungkook and Nabi.

Knowing that Nabi fully trusts me powers me through the contemporary leaps and complex formations. We finish on schedule. And although sweat soaks my body, I manage to head back into the dressing room with a wide grin. I dry off and change into my second outfit for the day, a midnight blue dress ensemble with a miniature train. Jesstina and Nabi change into the same dress, while Jungkook wears a tuxedo with a tie and dress shirt made from the same material. His golden extensions stay put.

"Looking stunning," I say to him.

He preens. "Thanks, you too, Karma."

Even such a simple statement rubs me against a whole wall of fiery emotion. I try to hide my blush by sauntering between Nabi and Jesstina.

On the ride there, I take the backseat and hold Nabi's hand—even though she says she's fine, I can tell that performing "Greek God" has brought back memories of Yuna, and even though Jesstina and I miss her too—it's completely different for her.

I give her a hug after we jump out of the van, as the stretch of the Han River cools the air around my skin. Jesstina and Jungkook go ahead to scout the set, but I hang back with Nabi. "We got this," I say.

Nabi checks herself in her hand mirror—a deep wine lipstick, matching blush, and smoldering eyes. No signs of tears, and she nods at herself resolutely. "Thank you for ending up accepting Jungkook. And for kind of dating him too—it's given me a good distraction, and it's very cute to see you two attempt to flirt."

"Attempt?" I say. "Okay, maybe it's because I've never had a boyfriend before."

"You can't say that now," Nabi says. "It's official. Plus, I overheard that we're trying something different for this shoot."

It's a surprise to see what the director has in mind. I approach him with a hesitance in my step. Apparently, it seems that he's already pitched Jungkook.

Because he's actually blushing, all the way down his neck.

Jesstina is grinning, covering part of her mouth with her fingertips—which is how I know, this is either going to be very interesting or horrible.

Jesstina is grinning, covering part of her mouth with her fingertips—which is how I know, this is either going to be very interesting or horrible

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A/N: I used to think couple outfits were a bit strange, but now I desperately want to buy an outfit with someone!

I love Nabi saying she's definitely never fallen for Jungkook. 😂 So unrelatable, Nabi!

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