Chapter 19

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Because Heart Seonsaengnim is a superstar in her own right, she skips a dance practice to host our variety show, Rookie Girls.

We meet on the HYBE rooftop floor.

"Now, not all women menstruate," she begins. "And, not everyone who menstruates is a woman. At the same time...." She glances at Jungkook apologetically. "This wasn't my idea, okay?"

"Cut to the chase, seonsaengnim," Jesstina says. "The anticipation is killing me."

"I hope this isn't what I think it is," I say.

Just as I finish my sentence, the doors behind us open, and a staff member carries a small device with four electrode pads sticking out of it, like flimsy legs.

"Oh no..." I let out a strained breath, remembering Namjoon's words—about Jungkook being shy, and looking out for him. That might not be very possible today.

"A period simulator is supposed to be punishment," Nabi says, "a penalty for losing. Is this going to be the main focus on the show?"

Jungkook stares at the device with doe-like eyes, gulping without saying a word.

"Not the main focus," Heart Seonsaengnim says. "Just the opener. It was voted on in the staff meeting, and everyone seemed pretty excited...."

"I think it's a horrible idea," I say. With anyone else in the company, I wouldn't be so honest, but I've always felt safe to share my honest opinion with Heart Seonsaengnim.

"Well we have a half hour with the period simulator," she replies. "Whether we like it or not. I'm sorry. I just found out today too!"

Jungkook stands from his plastic chair, bravely dusting his hands off on his jeans. His extensions tumble toward his chest, and although his nails need a redo, he still stuns. He let Jesstina put some cream blush on his cheeks this morning, and his rosy glow is angelic. The girls and I all have a light layer of makeup, but I don't think we're equalling him in prettiness.

"I'll do it," Jungkook says. "Anything for good ratings."

He's smiling, but I can sense the nerves radiating off from him. "Are you sure?" I ask.

He lifts up his shirt, earning a squeal from Jesstina. "Hook me up," he says.

About a minute later, after the shock wears off, I hold the device. Nabi and Jesstina stand beside me, radiating the same nerves.

"Whenever you're ready, Karma," Heart Seonsaengnim says. "two on each side of the abdomen."

"Great," I say.

I attach the pads to Jungkook's stomach, trying not to stare too hard at his abs. This may be many fangirls' dreams, but all I hear is the noise from the group of boys back in high school.

Don't you know that you'll never lay your hands on a guy?

You'll be lucky if someone pays you this much attention.

Karma, don't complain if you never see a fit body up close—that's only something in your dreams.

In Chicago, I lived nearby a Chinese restaurant—five minutes walking distance. Being Chinese American and not the most proud of my heritage, I tried to avoid that place. The boys' teasing me about my being Chinese didn't help. But honestly, going there with my parents made me feel safe. The food, sounds and smells were familiar, and I didn't worry about seeing one of my classmates there.

Sandwiched between Nabi and Jesstina, I shake off those unwelcome memories of the boys. Feelings of safety rise up, cresting over my stomach like a warm wave. Touching Jungkook's stomach, I should feel awkward or even scared. Instead, I recall that restaurant I always visited with my parents and other relatives. This is a safe place. My thoughts ascend into gratitude for being here with three people that I feel comfortable with. Four if you count Heart Seonsaengnim. Even with the multitude of cameras around filming Rookie Girls, I feel like I'm in the presence of family.

It's a strange thought to have, in the middle of filming our very first variety show. I realize that I've been pausing for far too long.

"Are you going to attach that last pad?" Jungkook asks, with a teasing lilt.

I scoff. I attach the last pad and hold the gadget to my chest. "So excited to feel the pain?"

"I'm not going to be the one to turn it on," Nabi says, picking at her nails. "That's just cruel."

"I don't mind doing it," Jesstina says, grabbing the device from me. "After all, Jungkook stole my cereal the other day."

"Cereal is for everyone!" Jungkook crosses his arms, then pulls his shirt down to cover the electrode pads. "That's just insane. Everything in the cupboard should be shared by the team."

"That's not how it works in our group," Jesstina says. "Food is private property!"

"I don't think that's very fair. Besides—"

I grab the device from Jesstina before Jungkook can finish his sentence. I turn the power on to level six, which is supposed to be the average level for period pain. Admittedly, I've researched period pain simulators before and can safely say that I've almost ordered one purely off of curiosity.

"AHHHHHH!" Jungkook's scream echoes off the glass floor-to-ceiling windows, and I jump back at the sheer volume. He clutches his abdomen, his eyes screwed tight in pain. He almost folds completely over himself, barely holding himself upward from willpower.

I turn it off immediately. Guilt rises up within me, even as the staff members explode in mixed reactions—namely laughter and gasping.

"Maybe a lower level for now?" Heart Seonsaengnim says. "Karma, you have to be mindful that a normal level of cramps can be quite a bit."

"Say that again," Jungkook says, wiping off the sweat that quickly appeared along his hairline.

"Level four, then," Jesstina says, stealing the gadget. "I'll warn you this time, Jungkook. Three, two, one...."

She flips the switch, and although Jungkook groans, he manages to stay upright and doesn't sound like he's dying.

"How about we have Nabi take a turn?" Heart Seonsaengnim suggests.

Nabi stares at Jungkook's stomach, swallowing once. "Do I have to? I'm uncomfortable."

"Just think about Jungkook stealing a room in the dorm for himself," Jesstina says.

"I mean, that makes me want to do it a little bit," Nabi says.

"Guys...." Jungkook pales, looking queasy even though the device is only at level four. Two seconds after I notice Jungkook's lack of color, he collapses.

A/N: I think I stan Heart Seonsaengnim, tbh! Variety shows are my favorite and I've always been interested in all the work that goes behind it

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A/N: I think I stan Heart Seonsaengnim, tbh! Variety shows are my favorite and I've always been interested in all the work that goes behind it. 

I wanted to ask, what is your favorite BTS content? I love In the Soop and Bon Voyage so much. I can't stop rewatching them.

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