Chapter 21

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Sweat dribbles down my back, and I feel disgusting—but also amazing.

I stand on stage between my team members, holding their hands—Jungkook on my right, and Nabi on the left. Even though I'm not touching Jesstina, I can feel her vibrations like they're traveling as currents across the stage.

"We're down to the final two," says the MC, a male idol who could possibly pass as Jungkook's younger brother. "We have the Fates, with their song 'Weavers.' And we have Jumble, with their song 'Heartstring.'"

A boy group with four members are our competitors. Last week, we weren't able to win any awards due to tough competition. This week, we actually have a chance.

The seconds could not possibly stretch any longer.

The few girls that were a part of my life before, in middle school and part of high school, would cover for me whenever we had a class presentation—they would say that I was sick when I was actually hiding in the bathroom. It feels like one of those incidents now, except I have nowhere to hide besides my members' elongated shadows.

The harsh lights sting my skin, and a fainting spell almost comes on. But I don't regret giving it my all during the live performance of "Weavers." It's only my second week as an idol, and the rush I feel after executing a choreo and vocal sequence is incomparable to anything I've felt before.

As I glance over at Jungkook, I notice him worrying his lips. Could it be possible that he's nervous as well, despite being on this stage hundreds of times?

"And the winner...." The other MC, a female idol, lowers her cue cards, pausing for the most unnecessary dramatic effect ever. "The Fates, with their song "Weavers!"

The confetti cannons fire, and cheers erupt from seemingly every angle.

I can't move. Both Jungkook and Nabi have to extricate their hands from mine. I freeze for a good five seconds, until the MCs are shoving a trophy towards me. I take it, and even though the stand and metal aren't that heavy, I suddenly feel like I could drop straight down.

I manage to take a microphone, holding it in my left hand as my right deals with the trophy. Jungkook helps me hold it upright, nodding at me as if to say time for your big speech.

"I just want to say...."

I have the whole speech laid out in front of me, parsed through so many times that I could probably recite it hanging upside down.

A tear falls. It rivulets down my face, passing down my nose and cresting over my lips.

Once I start, I can't control it. I sob, folding into myself. Jesstina and Jungkook catch the trophy, and I raise my microphone in an attempt to hide my face. I've always been an ugly crier.

Nabi handles the speech, but I can barely hear her over my own sobs. Jungkook holds me up with the power of his left arm, and I lean into Jesstina when she rubs a hand over my back. The show concludes as the confetti continues to rain down, rippling around like floaters in my eye.

"It's okay, Karma!" someone yells from the audience. I barely raise my hand in thanks, although I'm sure it looks like I'm fending off a monster.

All of those nights of training have culminated into this win, and now I'm so overwhelmed I can barely breathe.

The encore stage begins, the synths of "Weavers" filling up the auditorium. I try to be lively, but after I get the tears a little under control, I focus solely on not breaking down again. Jungkook and Nabi pose, making a heart over their heads. Jesstina waves the trophy around, proudly showing it off like it's her bachelor's degree.

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