Chapter 2

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In the largest conference room that HYBE has to offer, I'm smack dab in the middle of my remaining group mates, our manager Kristine Lee, the members of BTS, and CEO Kimmy.

I can't keep my eyes off Jimin, who's wearing a Tiffany & Co. necklace with a pendant of a white dove, which shimmers under the lights with seemingly a hundred different refractions. He is looking prettier than I will ever be. Nevertheless, I can't let myself get starstruck. I'm the leader of the Fates, and I have to keep some level of composure.

Namjoon clears his throat and leans forward, resting his hands on the expansive oak table. The lights capture the platinum locks of his hair, and suddenly the room feels smaller. "So," he says. "What's the goal of this emergency meeting?"

CEO Kimmy leans back, and his leather chair squeaks loudly. Beside me, Nabi is staring at her fingernails. Jesstina is looking back and forth from every BTS member. I guess she can't hide her being starstruck. Our manager, Kristine, looks like she could enter a monologue about how the Fates are most definitely screwed because of what happened with Yuna.

"Well," CEO Kimmy starts. His voice seems to push me on the corner of a cliff, with shark infested waters waiting for my plunge into the deep. "One of the members of the Fates had to leave, suddenly. With Yuna gone, we are down one member."

"And we were always meant to debut with four," Manager Lee says.

The silence in the room is heavy, and it's hard for me to breathe for a few seconds. I know I should probably speak up as leader, but the loss of Yuna is much too crushing. How are we going to survive without her?

"And you think we can come up with a solution," Namjoon says. There's no judgment in his tone, only the careful nature of someone who desires to help.

"Yes," CEO Kimmy says. "That's what we were hoping."

The silence grows deeper, and I can feel it crawling on my skin like a bug with a thousand legs. I know it's my turn to speak, before it seems like I don't care. I would never not care. "We are very grateful for any advice you may have. We look up to you as our sunbaes very much."

"It's tough," Yoongi says. He's in the middle of Hoseok and Seokjin. When he speaks, I see him performing at the last BTS concert I went to, gaping down at them from the mezzanine. It's hard not to fall completely into panic mode about how close I am to these superstars. They are truly larger than life. "I think the solutions we have to offer won't be as good as the ones the Fates members can think of. Do you girls have any ideas?"

I look toward Nabi and Jesstina. The former is probably too shy to speak, but Jesstina takes the metaphorical mic after only a second of hesitation. "We're in shock," she says. "We need all the possible input we can get."

CEO Kimmy takes over the conversation again. Everyone takes a moment to speak—every BTS member, our manager, and even Nabi gives her two cents after I prod her. But even with everyone's input, we are stuck in a standstill. It feels like we're wading through murky waters, or trying to cross a dessert with no oasis in sight.

It feels hopeless.

Seokjin speaks up just when it feels like we will completely end the meeting with no progress to show for it. "How... unconventional are you willing to go?"

Like he shot an arrow my way, everyone turns toward me. My throat dries up—and at the same time, my entire body—neck down—feels submerged in the ocean.

I straighten my posture. My mother, strict and practical, always told me that I should never slouch when speaking my mind. My more kindhearted father always taught me to speak with my heart. That is what I will do today. I don't waver when giving Seokjin my honest answer. After all, the Fates depends on this very meeting. "We will do whatever it takes." Right girls? I say in my mind. Nabi and Jesstina squeeze my hand simultaneously, as if reading my thoughts.

Will we even get to debut?

Seokjin grins a little, and it breaks the ice. Suddenly, the members of BTS are all grinning. Hoseok jabs Seokjin's shoulder, and Taehyung sends a cheeky smile toward Jungkook.

Jungkook's Adam's apple bobs. He looks almost afraid, his doe-like eyes looking everywhere except to a person.

It's like I can sense it before Namjoon speaks, when he will hammer the nail into whatever they've been talking about earlier. It's frustrating, to be on the outside. But it's also understandable. The seven of them have been together so long that they can read each others' minds. I would die to have that same bond with my members—even though we are already very close.

And Yuna. I thought I knew everything about her. Her quiet passion, her listening to BTS songs until three am for inspiration, her heart for performing. I thought we would make it together.

Suddenly, I'm reaching out on either side of me. Jesstina is gripping me like a crab holding onto her life, and Nabi's grip is tender but firm. It's like we can all sense it, how our lives will be irrevocably changed.

Namjoon bobs his head from side to side. His answer is cheekier than usual, but it's still serious. It isn't a joke when he says, "Jungkook would like to join your group."

I feel my eyes widen like an ocean parting, and my mouth is no different. What? Did I hear him right?"

And then CEO Kimmy is jumping into all the logistics. How will this work? How would Jungkook fit into a girl group? Is he willing to wear a wig?

The BTS members are laughing and talking over each other. It's like they are in an echo chamber, and they are all capturing each others' words to form a master plan that will take over the entire world. It's an honor to watch.

But also, what? Jungkook joining the Fates?

It's a horrible, hysterical, and weird plan.

But could it work?

I steal a glance at Jungkook. He's staring straight at me. He tries for a small grin, but his fear shows through on his pearly white teeth. I look away.

Jungkook joining the Fates was not on my year's bingo card.

A/N: Sometimes I imagine what it'll be like to be in the HYBE building

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A/N: Sometimes I imagine what it'll be like to be in the HYBE building. I heard they purposely avoid hiring fans, so I guess we don't have a chance.

Happy August everyone! 💙

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