|2| nightmares

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Since her husband still hasn't returned, she decided she wouldn't wait for him and just go to bed early. Her back and feet were killing her.

Ever since she got to her third trimester, Evie has had the worst back pain she ever went through. With Aleksander always being busy and only being able to be with her for a few hours before going back to work, her pregnancy has been hell.

Though he loves her more than anything, he couldn't stop what he was planning for her. What he was doing was for them anyway. He's helping in a way he supposed. He really wasn't though.

She went to sleep hoping that would help the pain, it did physically, but in her dreams... she dreamt something horrid.

The dream

Eva was walking through the courtyard with her hand resting on her pregnant belly, softly rubbing it. She watched as gardeners planting flowers and how horses galloped around their paddocks. She watched as the luscious green grass blew in the wind. She felt a kick.

"Oh you are awake!" The soon to be mother cooed. She was softly holding her stomach with such care and much love.

A loud ripple sound filled the atmosphere. The fold. It was expanding. And in an alarming rate. The woman clutched her stomach as she bolted, or at least tried to, into the Little Palace.

Volcra we're started to be heard. Eva looked behind her. In horror, her eyes widened as she saw a volcra soaring her way.

One had grabbed her and was pulling her high up into the fold's sky. A crunch and a bloodcurdling scream filled the air.

Evangeline woke up with a start. She gasped and grasped at her sweaty hair. "Genya!"

The Princess heard fast foot steps, and in came Genya. Her nightgown on and her slippers about to fall off her feet. "What? What is it my Lady?"

"I- I had another nightmare. And again with the 'lady'?"

"Sorry Angy. Are you alright?"

"Not really. I really miss Aleksander. I wish he was here. He's never around anymore. I'm glad you're here though." Evie snuggled into Genya's side as she had climbed into the bed with Evangeline.

Genya and Evangeline eventually fell asleep on each other, the two girls woke up well rested and the Princess didn't have another nightmare that night.

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