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People gasped as the heartrender pushed in two powerful people. Kaz Brekker and Evangeline Lanstov. Nina threw Kaz to the ground but held her grip on Eva. Her powers clenching into her heart to keep her still.

"Tell your boss I have what he wants."

Kaz groaned and spit out blood that had collected in his mouth. Eva was trying to relieve the pain but it was unbearable. She eventually fell to the ground on her knees, not even seeing the man walk in.

"No match for a heartrender, are you Brekker?" A familiar voice sounded.

No. Eva thought. It can't be. He was sent to Hellgate. She could've sworn!

"A real boss knows how to inspire loyalty in his people. Isn't that right boys?" Pekka asked his henchmen. "Good job lass. I'll take it from here." He motioned for a guard to pull out his gun. The man did as said. Nina immediately let go of Eva.

She fell to the ground in her hands now, her knees still planted to the floor. She panted, trying her best to grasp at fresh air.

"I'm gonna make you regret the day that you crossed me." Pekka unbuttoned his coat and tossed it to a chair. "Get him on his feet." It seemed he forgot about Eva.

She tried to crawl away but a man grabbed her too. She stilled and kept quiet. Not wanting the crazy man who almost raped her to give her attention.

"We had a deal. I did my part." Nina told him sharply, her hands still up.

"We'll get to that." Pekka told her as he rolled up his sleeves. Kaz grunted as two men behind him pulled him up. "First... I need to make an example out of this rat."

"You'll pay for this you double dealing witch!" Kaz snapped at Nina who merely tilted her head.

"No she won't." Dismissed Pekka. Right after he said that, he gave a right hook straight into Kaz' stomach. He fell immediately and started coughing profusely. Pekka took hold of his hair and yanked his head up. "After I beat you, I'm gonna hang your body in a post as a reminder to anyone who forgets... that I'm king of this city."

"Do your worst."

"No! Kaz! Nina! Wha- let go of me." Eva's eyes went red. The guard holding her jumped back. She raised her hand, a ball of red mist radiating from her hand. Before she could blast him, a hand fell on her shoulder.

"Ahh... I remember you princess." Pekka sneered. He grabbed her neck and shoved her. Without breath, she couldn't do anything. Her mind focused on trying to breath. "You're even prettier than before. Too bad the young prince saved you. We could've been so much fun."

"Let her go you son of a bitch." Kaz yelled. Pekka pushed her to the ground by the man who was holding her before, he took her arms again.

Pekka slammed his fist into the younger man's face. Falling to the carpeted floor, Kaz went into a coughing fit. Rollins kicked him in the stomach twice before Kaz let out more coughs. He kept kicking, harder each time. Pekka pulled the boy up, raised his fist high, and sucker punched him in the cheek. Blood spurted from the now fresh wound, some getting on Eva. She panicked, thrashing in the guard's arms.

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