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"So are other Grisha types?" Asked Alina.

"Many others, yes." Answered Evangeline.

"Well what are they?" Quizzed Alina.

"There are three groups of Grisha." Eva started. "Coporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki. Coporealki Grisha has Healers, heartrenders, and Tailors. Like Genya."

Alina nodded, paying close attention to the woman sat next to her on the bed.

"A special case of Corporalki are corpsewitches. They are different because they can manipulate the dead. Bring them back to life or move them. And like heartrenders, they can take control over internal organs."


"Yes. I know. Now the second group of Grisha, are the Etherealki. They consist of Squallers. They can create wind and control wind. Inferni, they can summon fire and control fire. A tidemaker can manipulate and create water. Special cases include shadow makers, and like you, a sun summoner. Or like me. The only known manipulator over chaos magic."

Alina was about to ask what chaos magic was but Eva continued before she could.

"There's only two types of Materialki. A Durast and Alkemi, they both are called fabrikators due to their similarities. A Durast can manipulate glass, steel, wood, plants, stone, or anything solid. They can make flowers bloom, remove an object's pigment, or even move things without touching them. We have a Durast here in the Palace. He's a nice man. And then there's Alkemi. They specialize in chemicals like blasting powders and poisons."

"Wow. And we're special kinds of Grisha? How many shadow summoner has there been?" Alina asked with her legs crossed in the bed, facing the Princess.

"Only two." Eva answered.

"A man named Vladim Oswal and some people from the Soldat Sol. Sadly they were never able to destroy the fold. I know you will some day."


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Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now