|22| demolitions man

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After the small argument, Kaz went looking for someone. Evangeline didn't know what to do so she followed Kaz. The two had made their way to a small demolition project room.

Eva watched from behind a shelf as a small man walked down the stairs while sliding off his backpack. Kaz stood with his cane between his legs. "Wylan."

The boy named Wylan gasped. "You're alive!"

"Thanks in part to you." Kaz blankly stated.

"Stadwatch are after you." Wylan told Dirtyhands.

Kaz just ignored the statement. "How much phosphorus did you pack into that flash bomb?"
Wylan just stared at him so Kaz continued. "The escape option against the Darkling."

"Did you need it? Was it enough?" Wylan asked back to back.

Kaz thought back to the moment. "Nearly."

Eva slowly stalked up behind him as her boss continued. "I need you to make a new package for me."

"Uh-" Wylan scratched the back of his neck. "You said it was a one time thing, not a step into your world. I was strapped in at the time."

Eva finally stepped out of the shadows. "And now?"

"I- princess!" Wylan scrambled to the ground to bow. Kaz rolled his eyes.

"Get up."

"There's no need for such- Kaz shut up. Be nice."

Wylan jumped up. "Sorry your majesty."

"It's alright. And call me Eva."

Kaz eyed the boy up and down. "When was the last time you ate?"

The boy just adjusted his jacket and stayed silent. Kaz took his silence and went to touch a bottle in the table. He finally spoke up. "Don't- don't touch that specific bottle." His hand went to his other hand. "You'll be itching for days."

Kaz eyed the bottle suspiciously and wiped his hand in his jacket. He literally has a glove on. Evangeline thought.


Kaz left a while ago to do Saints knows what, so Wylan and Evangeline got to know each other. The two decided to play a game. "Ok really fast. Favorite color."


"Favorite food."

"Chocolate Cookies."

"Favorite animal."


"Favorite hobby."

"Believe it or not, I really like playing music." Wylan answered.

"What do you play?" The princess asked genuinely.

"I um. I play the flute." He responded sheepishly.

"Wow! I used to play the violin." Eva said. "My mom used to make me."

Wylan was about to ask her some questions as it was his turn for the game, but was interrupted by a familiar voice. One familiar to both of them.

"Hello?" Jesper walked down the steps of the small apartment. "Anyone here?"

Wylan spun around. "Oh." He let out. "Hi. I wasn't expecting you."

Eva eyed him with curiosity. "Hi jes."

"Oh hey Eva!" Jesper greeted. After he did a small wave he looked back to Wylan. "And you are?"

Eva's eyes glowed red, showing she was reading his mind. She let out a small gasp. "Well shit." She whispered.

"We've- uh. Wylan."

Jesper walked up to the table that help different remedies. He blew at some chemical substance. "No, I mean why did Kaz have us meet here?"

"Oh." Wylan spoke. "I guess, um, I'm your uh- demolitions man." He stuttered.

Jesper looked up. "You?"

Wylan wiped his hands on a cloth awkwardly. He walked around to where Jesper was in the other side of the table. The Zemeni boy continued, "you've got all your fingers."

"Well maybe I'm careful." Wylan answered, trying to take a small red bottle from Jesper's grasp. The two held onto the bottle while looking the other in the eye.

God damn the tension is thick, Evangeline thought.

"'Careful' is something you learn from losing your fingers." Jesper pointed out. He finally let go of the bottle as he heard the familiar sound of a cane hitting against a floor. "So this novice is telling us that he's our new demo man."

Kaz limped down the steps.

"Raske is better. Or even Pim."

Eva made a face. "Use your nice words Jesper."

"And yet Wylan is the one I hired." Kaz told Jesper.

However, despite the two hanging up on him, he kept going. "Shouldn't you be graduating university and, I don't know, starting a desk job?"

"Should you be minding your own business and listening to mr boss man over there?" Evangeline snapped. Throughout the hour and a half she's k ken Wylan, she could tell he's pure hearted and nothing less. He doesn't deserve the rudeness he's getting.

By then, Inej finally came back. Kaz looked up. "You're here."

"With a new heartrender." Inej confirmed.

A beautiful woman talked down the steps. "Nina Zenik. At your service." She said as she took off her hat.

" She said as she took off her hat

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