|28| the cemetery

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"I don't know about you lot, but I'm changing when we get there." Evangeline said as the three made their way to the tomb.

"Are you sure he said here?" Wylan looked around. "This is the plague cemetery. No one ever comes here."

"Which means we'll be safe here." Jesper told the worry some boy.

"Can you please walk slower. These heels are killing me." Eva whined from behind the two. Nina, Inej, and Kaz got there the same time the other three did. "Assuming you got ambushed too?"

"Oh yeah. So many of them i lost count." Nina sighed out. She was carrying Inej with her injured arm and the other. Eva wobbled over to her to help hold up Inej's weight.

"I got what I needed." Said Kaz. "And Wylan's bombs took care of the rest." He stalked over to the door. "Get her inside." He instructed Nina and Eva.

As the girls walked down, Eva heard the boys talking. "Is she going to be ok?" Jesper.

"She'll be fine." Answered Kaz.

"Will any of us be fine?" Jesper shot back. "This won't end well Kaz."

"No. It won't. But I'll be the one who ends it." After that, he too walked in. The tiger boys followed them.

Nina and Eva set Inej down on a table. "You'll be alright." Nina assured the injured woman.

"I could try to heal you." Eva and Nina said at the same time.

"Wait. You can heal? Aren't you a heartrender?"

"You have chaos magic, not healing?"

The two girls talked over each other. "Umm. Well. I'll let you get to it." Eva said as she walked out of the room. She stood by the doorframe as the three men talked.

"Looks like Pekka made a move on more than the Crow Club while we were away." Kaz said, not noticing the new presence in the room. "He bought out all of Fifth Harbor."

"You know, Inej took some serious damage. The novice nearly lost his head, Eva almost got kidnapped, and the heartrender took a bullet. But no worries. As long as you're on top of Pekka's corporate holdings." Jesper rambled angrily.

"You don't take down a lion by cutting off his tail." Answered Kaz immediately.

"I'm sorry, you've been on safari when?" Jesper glared at his boss. "We're putting our lives in the line!"

"I thought you preferred it that way." Kaz finally turned to look at the sharpshooter.

Eva decided this was enough so she stepped out from the shadows. Wylan immediately went to her. "Is Inej going to be ok?"

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