|44| siblings reunite

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The crows have made it back to Ravka. Kirigan's Grisha army were attacking the makeshift palace/fort Nikolai now had power over. The Fold had expanded, taking hold of half of the fort.

Grunts and yells were heard on the other side of the gate. "Wylan." Eva anxiously said. "Nows the time to throw your little kabooms."

Wylan sent Kaz a look, asking for permission. Kaz shrugged then nodded. Wylan opened his pack and pulled out a bomb he had made. He threw it and it flew in the air over the large gate.

"Where did rat come from?!" Nikolai screamed. Everyone on the mini battlefield turned and saw four people walking on a roof.

Wylan. Jesper. Kaz. And Evangeline.

Wykan swung his backpack back on. Jesper stood between the two men as Eva stood besides Kaz who had his cane stretched in front of him. "My demolitions expert."

"Expert?" Wykan asked timidly and shocked. "I mean, yes. Expert." The four walked down. Eva used her powers to put everyone, including herself, down.

Once they got down, Jesper used his Durast abilities to open the gate that was melted closed. As he pushed the gates door open, Wykan jogged out. Kaz shook his head as he speed walked out. "What nightmare have we gotten ourselves into?" He mumbled.

Eva and Kaz went to one side and Wylan and zjesper went to the other where Tamar was. "Why is Sturmhond here?"

"Who?" Evangeline made a face.

Tamar turned to look at Jesper. "Around here he goes by Nikolai."

Jesper gasped. "Nikolai Lanstov. All this time... close personal friend."

"My dear sister." Nikolai hugged Evangeline. "I have missed you dearly."

"Oh, beloved brother. I missed you too." He squeezed him back. The two didn't let go h tik they heard a tidemaker conjure water.

Jesper jumped up as he spun his guns. He shit at the Grisha, her using her and her fellow Grisha's powers to create a force field type of protection against his bullets. He continued to shoot, taking down the make Squaller. "Hello gorgeous." He said as he saw the tidemaker cowering back.

She froze his guns. "If only you'd been born Grisha, you'd know what it means to b-"

"To be blessed?" He asked as he played with the buttons on his shirt. He began to tear them off, throwing them at the woman.

The Squaller began to summon lightning. "Sorry darling." Eva said as she snatched the cane from Kaz's gloved hands. She launched it towards the Grisha, stopping him but not stopping the lightning as it started ti catch the lightning from the man's hands.

"I have Datura Meloxia!" Wykan informed as he took out a red power filled vile from his coat pocket.

Kaz stood up. "Wylan, now."

Wylan popped up. "Air support." Nadia began to summon air as Wylan tossed the chemical into the air. They, Nadia and now his brother, made the chemical go into the Squaller's eyes. He stumbled backwards, placing his palms over his eyes. Tamar then hurled her axe straight into his head.

The tidemaker yelled as she thrusted her hand out, hoping to send icicles their way, instead, nothing happened and she noticed her fingers were gone. Jesper cut them off with his buttons.

"You..." He shrugged with a smirk. "You're a.." she continued, but a gun was placed against her head. Nikolai held it there, shooting her neck. She fell to the ground, holding her neck before they breathed her last breath.

"It's done." He sighed. Eva moved towards him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, she knew taking a life was hard for him. He's never done it and has never liked it. Jasper placed his guns back in his holster. Kaz stalked over to the siblings, he plucked the cane from out of the ground. "I didn't realize you were patriots." Nikolai said.

"Well if you die we don't get paid."

Eva glared at his and he shrugged. Tolya jumped over a fence, immediately heading for his sister, once he reached her they hugged.

"The blade, did you find it?" Nik asked them.

"Inej has it. They've gone to find Alina and Mal." Eva informed her brother.

"We have to do the same." He nodded. "If Kirigan brought the fight her he's gunning for her."

"I've cleared us a way into the fort." Tolya claimed from beside his sister. "Come on." Everyone followed.

"Here you go." Eva gave Nik her arm for him to hold.

"You know, I'm older and I'm stronger. I'm alright." He lightly shiver her which led him to grunt in pain.

"Mhm. Sure. And I'm mom's favorite child. Come on, let me help you."

He laughed. "If you insist."


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