|30| Per Haskell

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Evangeline ended up leaving the two men as she started to feel like a third wheel. So she decided to walk around.

She saw just normal things you'd expect see in Ketterdam. Strange dealings happening in alleyways, gangs beating people up, cats and dogs fighting for scraps. That sort of thing.

She was walking down a dirt road when she spotted a familiar limping man heading into a familiar building. "Kaz!" She whisper shouted once she got close enough. "Kaz!"

"What?" He snapped and whirled around to look her in the eye. "I'm trying to do something. Go back to the cemetery." He brushed her off and walked up the wooden steps to the Dreg club.

"I don't want to. I'm bored. I was third wheeling Jesper and Wylan and I found you to annoy. Yay me." Eva bounced on her heels as she stared at Brekker. He sighed defeatedly.

"Alright. Fine. Come along." He opened the door and shut it after Eva made her way in.

"Kaz Brekker." Said one of the men. "Who's this you got? Never thought you'd be the type to go to a brothel-"

"I'm not a prostitute." Eva snapped.

Another man from a table next to her looked her up and down. "Aye... she's the princess, ain't she? You're wanted y'know."

Her eyes flashed red which caused the drunken man to shut up.

The man from before got up from his stool. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Per Haskell." Kaz acknowledged.

"Pekka offered every gang food coin for your beater up corpse. His words." The man, Eva now knows as Per Haskell, said. "Looks like you bit off more than you could chew."

"I need half a dozen men for a job." Kaz got straight to the point.

"Why call it 'half a dozen' when it's easier to say 'six'?" Eva thought out loud.

"For Saints sake shut up." Kaz gritted his teeth at her. He continued to talk to Per Haskell about why he's there. "I'm not here for the washed up cadgers and cowards. I'm here for the hungry ones. The hard ones. I'm here for the killers. People like me."

The two men stared at one another for quite some time. "Dregs." Per called out. The sound of a door locking was heard. A man set down his cards, another wrapped chains around his hands.

Kaz slowly reached out with his cane and put it ti the floor. It made a clang! sound.

"Kill this Barrel rat. Grab the princess." Per Haskell said before taking a swig of his whiskey.

A man behind Kaz dashed towards him, he was too slow however because Kaz stuck out his cane to trip him. He continued to jab at the men running to him.

Evangeline on the other hand. Punched a few men who came to her. She used her powers ti knock some off their feet. She occasionally would use them to grab a table or chair and throw them at the men as well.

Kaz stuck his cane between a chair leg and flung it across the room. "You two! Get off your asses!" The boss man said. Kaz, despite his limp, was too quick for them. He hit the new men with his cane a few times, causing blood to spurt from their freshly cut wounds.

At one point, as Eva was distracted taking down her own attackers, Kaz got pushed to the ground and hit with a glass bottle. The man with the chain used said weapon to choke him. Following after him was a buff man who ended up punching Kaz in the stomach. Kaz grunted as he tried tj fight against them.

Eva got up from her hiding spot behind a table and used her chaos magic to blast a man away from Kaz. This was used as a distraction for Kaz as he took a knife from his leg's sheath and stabbed the man holding him.

"My leg!" The man cried out.

"I recommend a cane." Kaz said, flipping his knife in his hand. He threw it at another attacker who at the damage fell to the ground.

Eva bent over to get Kaz's cane but she too was pulled back. The hatted man who now held her had a chain as well. Kaz grabbed his cane and swung at him, successfully getting him off the princess. The latter then shit her hand out to blast him. The two breathed heavily.

"You think you're safe because you rolled over for Pekka Rollins." Panted Kaz.

"Takes more than what you got to get past Rollins." Per Haskell said back with a calm demeanor.

Kaz glared and stepped up to him. "This city's price is blood. And I am happy to pay with yours." The older man backed down. Seeing this, Dirtyhands slowly turned around to look at the beated up men. "Who do you want standing in that door when the lions get hungry?"

None of them answered.

Kaz steadily walked down the steps. The men backed away in fear. Eva crossed her and smirked.

"You're all with me now." Kaz stood before them, came in hand, head raised high. Eva then walked up facing them now too.

 Eva then walked up facing them now too

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Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now