|43| reminisce

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Jesper came out of the house with the blade in hand. He handed the sword to Inej. "Wylan? Wylan! Wait a sec!"

"Did you get it?" The boy he called out for asked.

"Uh, I did. Yeah I got it. And I got it. You know, with- like- Kruge's dropped finally and all that. And one day I'll tell you about everything, but right now, you were right. I need... I don't want to hide who I am anymore. For a million reasons. Including you."

Wylan looked up at the Zemeni man after a few moments of silence and him blushing. "You know what? I actually had a moment too, in that garden. Yeah, I- I saw a Datura Meloxia. They are like, extremely rare!" He spoke excitedly, Jesper looked down at him, fully invested in what the boy had to say. "And you know when I saw it, all I wanted to do was just to tell you about it. Maybe Eva too. And squeeze your hand."

Jesper took hold of his hand. "I want to stand with you in front of all the Daturma ox things to come."

"Actually, it's a Daturma- Datura... never mind." The Van Eck boy kissed Jesper.

Evangeline started to reminisce about her and Aleksander. When they too were in love. When they were affectionate. She missed it.

Kaz however, he was tired of all the live that filled the air. Nina with her lust for Matthias. Jesper and Wylan. Saint Neyar and The Disciple. Eva missing her husbands old ways.

"Well." Tolya started. "Tamar is going to kill me for eating all that dried squid. She'll made me do laundry for a month. Can't even tell her about the Sankta part or-"

"Neyar is setting herself up for a heartbreak. She knows it. Why bother." Zoya began to speak with her grating voice.

"We fight for what matters most to us." Nina snapped at the Squaller.

"Right. Like Ravka."

"Someday, someone is going to sweep you off your feet so hard, you won't know what hit you. And don't look for me to explain it all to you because me and my 'slab of fur' will be far away, off the map. Deep in love." Nina sighed after speaking. Thinking about Matthias helped calm her but yet, it hurt ti think if his as well.

Behind the three other Ravkans, Eva, Inej, and Kaz were walking past the make out session Jesper and Wylan had going on. "Everyone's lost their mind." Kaz said with disgust.

"We all did in there." Inej pointed out, the sword laying on her shoulder.

"Maybe I did see something through the haze of the poison." He said to Inej. "There are those who drown us..." he turned to look at Eva who was walking away from the two towards the three others in front of them. "And those who pull us out."


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