|26| cafe

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The six decided on meeting a cafe near where the next target was located. Inej and Evangeline met up and walked in together. Jesper was already there, having a small cup of coffee.

Once the two girls sat down he hummed. "Started to wonder if I had the wrong time or place."

"This is where Kaz left word to meet. So, you know. It's worse today."

"Worse how? We had to sleep on that novice's floor. This body deserves a proper bed." Jesper told them with his cup in his hand.

"Word is we also killed a constable." Stated Inej.

"And now I'm wanted as well. So thanks for that."

"You're welcome sweetheart. And, what? I have so many questions. How? Why? Who? Where? When? I guess- wait no that's all of 'em."

"Last night, after you escaped from the wagon, Constance Sen was his name, shot with his own weapon, stadwatch are shaking down every informant they know." The wraith listed off.

Jesper shrugged at this. "I would never shoot someone with their own gun besides it's not even good frame up." He leaned back in his booth. "Have you seen him today?"

Eva nodded, somehow she had her own cup of coffee. The two didn't notice her getting one but they didn't question it. "I was with him earlier. He told me to 'bugger off' so i did."

Inej poured herself some water. "Avoiding questions I guess."

"Yeah, from the both of us." Jesper sighed.

"Well... me too." Eva muttered.

"Yeah. Right. I tend to forget you're even here." Jesper joked. "Blowing up the Crow Club..." he turned serious again.

"Makes you wonder what else he's willing to destroy." Inej whispered as she twisted her cup around in the table.

Ten or so minutes went by and finally the others showed up. "You made sure none of you were followed?" Was the first thing Kaz Brekker asked the three.

"Always." Answered Inej.

"Of course." Replied Eva.

Jesper scoffed. "Please."

Next to Inej and Eva sat Wylan and Nina. Their booth was quite crammed. "Um. Here. Just a moment." Eva squeezed underneath the table to the other side of the booth between Kaz and Jesper. "There. Much better."

Not for me, thought Kaz.

"Hey. I can read minds you know. Shut it." Eva said to Kaz. He made a face at her and she made one back.

"Oo. Is this place still serving breakfast?" Nina asked as she sat down, holding a menu. Everyone ignored the woman's smile and question.

"Jes has a question to ask you." Inej stared Jasper in the eyes as she spoke. Jesper glared at her. Kaz slowly turned his head to look at the Zemeni Sharpshooter.

Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now