|35| tending to wounds

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Pekka ended up getting arrested for the murders at the cemetery. Alby watched as his father was pulled away into the prison carriage. All of this, Kaz planned. He never truly buried Alby. The boy was safe the whole time.

Evangeline was relived to know this. She was cleaning Kaz's cuts. She was knelt on the carpeted floor. She held a cold wet rag to his left side of his face, collecting some blood and cleaning the wound.

There was a knock in the door, she opened the door to Kaz's new office. Inej thanked her as she walked in. Eva closed the door but stayed by it, listening in on their conversation.

"Where we're you?"

"The Drakonasha was trafficking indentures. I had to set them free-"

Kaz cut her off. "We had a plan."

"It was unexpected! I had to make a decision in the moment."

"You chose strangers over your crew." Kaz pointed out angrily.

"I got the note to the driver. Nina said everything worked out."

"We didn't know where you were." Kaz snapped. "We didn't know if Pekka hired another assassin to kill you. We didn't know if you would-"

"I'm fine. You're face... I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"I can't have a weak link in my crew." Kaz looked away from Inej.

"I do one thing without consulting you and I'm a weak link? You can't be serious."

"I need to know I can count on my Crows. I trust Eva more than you at the moment."

Eva. He just called me Eva. Evangeline thought. He usually refers to her as her full name.

"If we can't rely on each other we have nothing."

"So just that that? I'm out?"

Kaz looked up at her. Without looking away, he slid the paper of her freedom towards her. "You're free. Now all the indentures in Kerch will have a Wraith."

She took the paper and suddenly she was gone. Eva took this as her cue to walk in. "If it helps, I think you did the right thing. Maybe don't snap at her though."

Kaz sighed. "Don't think i don't regret it. Because I do."

Eva hummed as she went back to the bowl with the rag in it. "It's still cold." She said as she felt the water. She rung out the rag and walked over to him again. She started to tend to his face again.

"How'd you know?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

Kaz didn't ask what she meant. He knew already. "You talk in your sleep. I just put the dots together."

"... thank you." She said. She kept tending to his wound before he took hold of her bruised wrist.

"No problem princess."


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