|3| he's home

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Genya and Evangeline were on a walk, just around the Little Palace, looking at paintings and the Architecture of the palace. When the faintest sound of hooves and wooden wheels hitting gravel sounded.

The two women walked over to the window to see a carriage rolling down the path and in front of them, the General. "He's home!" Squealed Eva. Genya followed the girl who was trying her best to run despite her pregnant belly and back pain. So it was really more of a speed walk.

The Corporalki and the Etherealki made their way to the gates. When they got down, Evangeline ran to her husband. "Aleksander!"

He turned his head to her as he dismounted his horse. A smile painted in his face. "My love." He ran to her then hugged her.

"Oh my husband I missed you so."

"My darling wife, I missed you too."

After their little moment, a young woman with a red kefta marched up to them. Eva noticed her and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Kirigan looked behind him at what his wife was looking at, "my dear, can you wait in our quarters. I'll be there soon."

Sighing, Eva left to the gates where Genya was waiting. "Come on. I'll take you back to your room."

"Well speaking of rooms," the general turned to the two guards on both sides of the woman in the palace. "Take her to her suite."

"I will take her to her room." Evangeline said to the guards. The younger Grisha paused and gave a look to her surrounding. "Please. I insist."


"I know what it's like. Coming to a new home. Not knowing what to expect or what to do. And I know the General can be scary. But he just wants the best for this country. Do think about helping him." Eva told Alina while they walked to her room.

By the time they stopped, Alina had looked at the woman and thanked her for walking her. She then went into her new room.

Eva truly believed her husband had a good heart. But sadly, she had no idea what he was planing.

 But sadly, she had no idea what he was planing

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Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now